



Dragon Ball +‎ -er



Dragonballer (plural Dragonballers)

  1. (fandom slang) A fan of the manga and anime franchise Dragon Ball.
    • 1993 April 18, e77-cg, “Dragonball Z Summary (comic)”, in rec.arts.anime[1] (Usenet):
      Hello, Dragonballers,

      This issue of JUMP has a pretty good picture of Goku on cover, with Goku in profile in gold. Here goes the summary : []
    • 1995 December 12, Sea Wasp [username], “Re: Too Many SM/DB posts! ARRGGHH!!!”, in rec.arts.anime[2] (Usenet):
      The Moonies and the Dragonballers aren't minorities; they're as large or larger than any other group of animeniacs you're going to find.
    • 2014, Lily Lieberman, "Techies and Trekkies Unite at Geek's Night Out", College Times, Volume 13, Issue 12, 13 February 2014 - 26 February 2014, page 19:
      Expect to see Trekkies, Whovians and Potterheads co-mingling with Cumberbitches, Batmaniacs and Dragonballers.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Dragonballer.