Norwegian Nynorsk

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From hamar (steep cliff) +‎ -fest (place to moor boats), from Old Norse festr f.

Proper noun


Hamarfest f

  1. Hammerfest (a city in Finnmark, Norway; the northernmost city in the world; official name: Hammerfest)
    • 1895, Dr. Hans Reusch, translated by Marius Hægstad, Ei liti landkunna elder geografi [A little geography], page 62:
      Landet vert svært snaudt og audslegt, naar ein er komen um Trumsøy og endaa meir, naar du hev siglt framum Hamarfest, som er den nørdste byen i verdi.
      The land becomes very naked and barren, once you get past Tromsøya and even more when you’ve sailed ahead of Hammerfest, which is the northernmost city in the world.

Derived terms
