



In reference to Mickey Mouse.

Proper noun


the Mouse Kingdom

  1. (humorous) Walt Disney World.
    • 1994 July 26, Ted Samse, “ORLANDO [not the sound of Florida in my ears]”, in rec.arts.books[1] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      My brother (the minor regional poet and CnW artiste) went to Orlando (in the Mouse Kingdom) for a minor regional poet's confab oncet and hooked up with a cowboy poet from Wyoming.
    • 1999 November 6, Catherine Hassard, “OT A Message From George Carlin”, in alt.support.crohns-colitis[2] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      Don't know what the temperture is by Maryjo, but the weather in Sarasota, Fl. is supposed to be up in the low 80's today. It is usually warmer here than Lakecity.
      It is supposed to be in the same in Orlando, at the Mouse Kingdom where my husband and I are heading in just a couple of hours.
    • 2001 April 8, Charlie Perrin, “More Magazine--and what magazines do you read?”, in alt.fashion[3] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      Not only do they have Mikey's stuff at the Mouse Kingdom, they have it at the Bullseye Boutique.
    • 2004 December 28, Mary, “RE: New Member”, in alt.healing.reiki[4] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      I am from Central Florida in the United States. About 45 miles from the giant mouse kingdom of Orlando.
    • 2008 April 22, Jim Vandewalker, “Clansdell and Jim V.”, in alt.religion.kibology[5] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      I am not in fact a Tampan. My ISP is located in Tampa but I am from further east. I AM regrettably close to the Mouse Kingdom, I admit. Tampa and Orlando kinda suck all the oxygen out of the air here.
    • 2022 July 17, Obvious-Wrongdoer-18, “AITA For Saying That I Don't Love My Niece To Her Face?”, in Reddit[6], AmItheAsshole, archived from the original on 2022-07-18:
      The coming August, before the start of school, I was planning on going with some friends to the Mouse Kingdom in Florida.
  2. (humorous) The Walt Disney Company.
    • 1998 March 10, Tripp1901, “Disney Buying Apple Computers???”, in alt.disney.disneyland[7] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      "On the Disney side--remember these people own a movie studio, cable TVvhannels and ABC--there's plenty of people who are technicall astute. Bran Ferren, Alan Kay, Marvin Minsky, Seymour Papret, and Danny Hillis, geeks all, have found comfortable homes in the mouse kingdom."
    • 1998 July 16, andrew osmond, “summer is here”, in uk.media.animation.anime[8] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      There's a current fan-myth that Mulan was directly inspired by Mononoke, which is incredibly unlikely given Disney's film began production long before Ghibli's. (Unless the Mouse Kingdom ransacked Miyazaki's early treatments - which were a variant on the Beauty and the Beast story, with a young girl forced to marry a mononoke (monster)).
    • 1999 June 24, Robin Colleen Moore, “Three More Bodies Found In Disney Pond”, in alt.showbiz.gossip[9] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      Robin the mad photographer (not terribly impressed with the Mouse Kingdom, if you couldn't tell)
    • 2001 April 8, Charlie Perrin, “More Magazine--and what magazines do you read?”, in alt.fashion[10] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      I have a pair of co-workers (husband and wife, but she kept her name... we didn't know they were husband and wife for a while) who are great Mouse Kingdom freaks. She in particular wears Mickey Mouse stuff to work all the time.
    • 2002 January 25, JSTONE9352, “NYINC”, in rec.collecting.coins[11] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      The mouse kingdom has invaded the big apple on Broadway where the Lion King has been playing to sold out audiences for years.
  3. (humorous, uncommon) The Disneyland Resort.
    • 1997 September 19, Bev, “WHO IS FORTY OR MORE?”, in alt.penpals.forty-plus-yrs[12] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      Welcome from another Californian. We seem to be getting quite a group here. I'm kind of near the mouse kingdom, but not as close as Sandra. Guess we are spread out everywhere. : )
    • 2005 March 26, Bob Schwartz, “True Story”, in rec.bicycles.racing[13] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      I sold the trip to Track Worlds on the proximity to the Mouse Kingdom (Le Royaume de Souris to you, Brian). It's spring break so the rest of my family is available to travel. Note, if you refer to the Mouse Kingdom to a travel agent they know exactly what you are talking about. You might have to explain Le Royaume de Souris though.
      So Thursday, while I'm grooving on the Men's Points race, they are making the pilgrimmage. This is a big deal since my kid is old enough now that a lot of her friends have been there, or to the alternate Royaume de Souris in Florida.
    • 2021 June 10, anim8rfsk, “"Loki" Starts Today”, in rec.arts.tv[14] (Usenet), retrieved 2022-07-19:
      We were at Disneyland, so long ago there was still a submarine ride, and this loud talking hot woman with another group who looked just like Kelly Harmon and honestly might have been her
      said, as I put my video camera up against the sub window, “I bet that creep is going to put his video camera right up against the sub window“
      And my mouse kingdom accomplice asked what cutie pie had said and I told her and she says “I don’t believe it, she’s too pretty to be that mean“