See also: quizzy





From an affectionate shortening of inquisitor +‎ -y.

Proper noun


Quizzy (plural Quizzies)

  1. (fandom slang, video games) The Inquisitor player character from the video game Dragon Age: Inquisition.
    Synonym: Inky
    Hyponyms: Femquisitor, FemQuis
    • 2014 December 24, Ash (@LadyFaceshred), Twitter[1]:
      I'm just glad that I can't lose approval with Cullen. He hearts my Quizzy no matter what. TRUE LOVE GUYS TAKE NOTE.
    • 2018 November 29, Diana Davidsson (@Omegasama_art), Twitter[2]:
      Most of my DA art is of Fenris and Hawke (male) or my elf Quizzies and Iron Bull.
    • 2022 June 1, Jen (@jentrevellan), Twitter[3]:
      FINALLY played The Decent DLC with a dwarf Quizzy and I flippin love it more than ever.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Quizzy.