Pronunciation edit

  • [-əl] or [-l̩] (the latter reduces the number of syllables)

Rhymes edit

  ‑a‑     ‑e‑    ‑i‑    ‑o‑     ‑ö‑     ‑u‑     ‑ü‑  
 -ɒl   -ɛl   -il   -ol   -øl  -ul   -yl 
‑á‑ ‑é‑ ‑í‑ ‑ó‑ ‑ő‑ ‑ú‑ ‑ű‑
-aːl -eːl -iːl -oːl -øːl -uːl -yːl
Close vowels (i/í, u/ú, ü/ű) tend to lose distinction of length,
e.g. mindig [-dig]/[-díg], búcsú [-csu]/[-csú], sűrű [-rü]/[-rű].
 In borrowings: [-ȧ-] -al non-syllabic:   əl   ər   ən 

Notes edit

From the point of view of hyphenation, the last vowel is considered non-syllabic in Hungarian so it cannot be moved into a separate syllable.

Two syllables edit

Three syllables edit

Four syllables edit

Five syllables edit