
Latest comment: 5 years ago by Guldrelokk

@Guldrelokk: Our translation table says Belarusian has several words meaning "Christmas", besides каляды (kaljady): Раство́, Ражджаство́, Ражаство́. {{}} only knows the first, though all three are attested on Google Books. The second one seems to be a borrowing from OCS, as Russian Рождество́, but what about the other two? Per utramque cavernam

@Per utramque cavernam: Раство́ (Rastvó) could have been spelled Ражство; it comes from рожьство, the East Slavic counterpart of CS рождьство, the sibilant assimilation is a living rule. Ражаство is in-between the two. Both рожство and рожество exist in Russian dialects. Guldrelokk (talk) 16:56, 28 December 2018 (UTC)Reply
Thanks again. The stress is рожство́ (rožstvó) / рожество́ (rožestvó), right?
By the way, is Рождество́ in the sense of "Christmas" actually an ellipsis of Рождество́ [Христо́во]? Per utramque cavernam 18:46, 28 December 2018 (UTC)Reply
Sure. Рождьство is CS for ‘birth’. Рождество́ Христо́во is still a common phrase. In practice the qualification is redundant because in Russian рождество is not used otherwise. Guldrelokk (talk) 19:32, 28 December 2018 (UTC)Reply
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