
Latest comment: 6 years ago by Palaestrator verborum

@Palaestrator verborum: thanks for the link! I knew there were bound to be a lot more cases, but my Russian is not good enough to do Google searches efficiently, and writing in Cyrillic is very tedious with a Latin keyboard...

There's холод (xolod)хлад (xlad), but we don't have an entry yet for the second (labelled "formal, literary, poetry, obsolete, OCS" by ru.wikt). Do you think you could give it a go? --Per utramque cavernam (talk) 01:35, 25 December 2017 (UTC)Reply

First I will give myself a sleep to get a clear head. But if you are working on Russian you should really be able to work yourself with the templates (also I have not created any Russian entry except ясы́рь (jasýrʹ) as far as I remember, so there is even few immediate gain in my doing it). Especially in these cases where you basically need to copy the полногласіе entry layout аnd swap the two о with an a. You have the Russian Wiktionary to double-check.
You should also get more practice with writing Cyrillic, you shall become more efficiently. You try to hit the keys without seeing them, first hitting backspace often because of missed keys and continuously less often, until you can write blind almost without errors. I am also writing Cyrillic and Arabic blind only because I have gone through that annoying stage in two cases. I can give you also more detailed tips on keyboarding privatim if you list. Palaestrator verborum (loquier) 01:49, 25 December 2017 (UTC)Reply
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