

Since there were no potatoes in India until modern times is the potato sense just an extension of the presumably older plum/prune sense, and did the other Indian languages really borrow their potato sense from Sanskrit which was already a minority language by the time potatoes were introduced? — This unsigned comment was added by Hippietrail (talkcontribs) at 09:04, 13 April 2009.

Sorry about the "no explanation" part. I was getting to it. --Dijan 22:48, 13 April 2009 (UTC)Reply
"potato" sense of Sanskritism ālu evolved from its earlier sense of "esculent root" in modern Indian languages/dialects, being applied not only to potatoes, but apparently to yam and other similar objects. --Ivan Štambuk 09:22, 13 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

Etymology of sing, sink, ring, thing, thank, wing, wink and Latin bonus.


What do you think of theses etymologies ?

  • Sing( chanter) comes from the root "seduct", with prefix "se" and root "duc"( take apart, drive apart). In Latin, the word means seduce, charm, take apart. It's connected with "sectus"= cut ( syncop of syllable du)
  • Sink( couler, évier)comes from the same root. The meaning of destruction of a boat comes from the idea of taking apart. The meaning of place to wash is perhaps connected with the idea of going apart
  • Ring ( anneau, ring de boxe) comes from the root "reduct", with prefix "re"(again, back) and root "duc"( take back, drive back). In Latin , it means also reduce. Ring would mean reduced place. It's connected with rectus ( right) with the meaning of re-erect.
  • Thing, German Ding( chose) comes from the root "deduct" with prefix de ( from) and root "duc" ( take from, drive from). In Latin, it's connected with the word tectum( with an alternance of mute and voiced consonant), which means protect, roof. In my opinion, it's connected too with Greek thêtos (posé, laid) that would come from disappeared "thektos".
  • Think, german denke, comes from the same root with the meaning of deduce( one of the meaning of the verb in latin).
  • Thank,german danke comes from dedic with prefix "de" (from ) and root "dic"( say). In Latin, it means dedicate.
  • Wing (aile) comes from the prefix ve( away) and root duc( drive , take). The word doesn't exist but is supposed by the series. It's connected with the word vectus( transport)
  • Wink( cligner de l'oeil) comes from the same root. The meaning comes from the fact that winking is used as a way of seducing.
  • Bonus( good) comes from adjective bovinus( related to a beef) with the syncop of syllabe vi( as in amasse coming from amavisse). It comes also from divinus (related to god) with the same alteration that gives bis (twice)from duis. The two meanings are found together in greek adjective theotauros( god-Bull), attributed to Zeus.

Thank you for your answers. --Mark Mage 14:22, 23 April 2009 (UTC)Reply

? —Aryamanarora (मुझसे बात करो) 21:15, 9 May 2016 (UTC)Reply
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