
Latest comment: 6 years ago by AryamanA

@DerekWinters What does ગયો (gayo) do in this sentence? Does it have anything to do with જવું (javũ) or is a totally different verb form? —AryamanA (मुझसे बात करेंयोगदान) 01:49, 23 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

@AryamanA: It's the past tense of જવું. I'm not exactly sure how to handle verbs with જવું, like ખાય જવું, શેકાય જવું, પી જવું, etc. Do they go under the main verb lemma or should I make them separate entries? I usually process them as the main verb lemma in my head, but yeah. DerekWinters (talk) 16:43, 23 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
@DerekWinters: I think adding an auxiliary verb sense like at जाना (jānā) would be the best idea. I'd imagine that જવું can be used with a lot of verbs, so it doesn't seem efficient to make entries for all of them if જવું only takes on a few meanings in compound verbs. Adding a usage example at the main verb like
ખાય જવુંkhāya javũto be eaten up
at ખાવું (khāvũ) would be useful too. —AryamanA (मुझसे बात करेंयोगदान) 16:57, 23 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
@AryamanA: That's fair, I guess I'll see how independent the verb + જવું form is. For ખાય જવું it's not too independent, but શેકાય જવું seems quite independent. DerekWinters (talk) 17:02, 23 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
@DerekWinters: Yeah, for the more idiomatic or interesting ones a entry couldn't hurt, like ले जाना (le jānā). —AryamanA (मुझसे बात करेंयोगदान) 17:03, 23 February 2018 (UTC)Reply
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