RFV discussion: October 2016–February 2018


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Rfv-sense "Cantonese: stool". Possibly a quirk of the Unihan database: google:䍇 粵語 does not immediately support the existence of this sense. —suzukaze (tc) 06:18, 14 October 2016 (UTC)Reply

This website suggests that 䍇 does exist in Cantonese but is only used by people who believe in 本字, and the meaning is not "stool". —suzukaze (tc) 06:24, 14 October 2016 (UTC)Reply

Unicode most likely got the definition “stool” from “The Representation of Cantonese with Chinese Characters” by Cheung Kwan-hin and Robert S. Bauer, which cites 《实用广州话分类词典》 and gives the example 屎䍇 (google:"屎䍇" gives 9 results only), defined as “primitive toilet stool”. It seems to be written more often as 屎塔 (google:"屎塔" gives 81 400 results only).
䍇 is also found in 《廣州方言詞典》:

[䍇] t‘ap˧˧ ❶大口的罎子:金~盛骸骨的罎子 | 屎~ | 尿~ | 米~ | 瓦~ | 菜脯~盛鹹蘿蔔條的罎子 | 餅~ | 腐乳~ ❷專指屎桶:四眼佬師爺倒~,不成睇桶(體統)歇後語 ‖ 玉篇他盍切:“下平缶也,瓶也“

《广州话本字考》 by 白宛如 (the editor of 《廣州方言詞典》) has something similar:

[䍇] t‘ap˧˧ 通常写作“塔”
大口的坛子:瓦~ | 金~盛骨殖的坛子 | 屎~马桶 | 尿~尿罐

Based on the above, it seems like “stool” is just a bad translation. As @Suzukaze-c has mentioned, it is a 本字 that most people are unaware of, so it is rare and not easily attestable. — justin(r)leung (t...) | c=› } 02:18, 19 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

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