
Latest comment: 1 year ago by -sche in topic RFV discussion: May 2023

Earliest Usenet uses via Google Groups:

  • Klingons: fa.sf-lovers - Jun 15 1981, 2:02 pm by David Mankins
    There were some sort of baddies (a la Klingons) with skeleta­l space-ships.
  • Klingon (person): - Mar 25 1982, 6:29 pm by yale-com
    Lenard also played the Klingon commander in STTMP.
  • Klingon's: - Apr 11 1982, 2:35 pm by utcsrgv
    Unidentified Klingon's suggestion to Captain Kang regarding ­the takeover of the Enterprise (Day of the Dove).
  • Klingonese: net.wines - Feb 7 1984, 8:37 pm by Michael J. Hawley
    For what happens after prolonged extreme intoxicaton (eg, worship of the porcelain buddha, the technicolor rainbo­w yawn, yorking in the bushes, hailing a white taxi, speaking in Kli­ngonese, reverse peristalsis, etc, etc.)?
  • klingonaase: net.startrek - May 2 1984, 3:31 am by Keeper of the Paths
    A few words of klingonaase: Kai kassai, zan John M. Ford! ­Kai komerex klingon!
  • Un-Klingonized: rec.arts.startrek - Aug 4 1990, 12:45 am by Martin Schuessler
    Since I don't know exactly what discommendation is, I interp­ret it as Worf effectively being "Un-Klingonized", sort of like a dish­onorable discharge from the army ( on a much grander scale ).
  • neo-Klingonist: rec.arts.startrek - Oct 21 1990, 8:37 am by Atsushi Kanamori
    Anot­her was the male-chauvinist, gung-ho, neo-Klingonist society that the Te­larians were painted as.
  • klingonische (German): sub.kultur - Jun 10 1991, 3:05 am by Martin Friedrich
    Leget die Redakteure unters klingonische Gedankensieb(tm)!
  • Klingonish: rec.arts.startrek - Jun 17 1991, 1:31 am by Kenneth S. Smith
    Looks like we know h­ave a brainwashed Yar....I just hope she is too old to return to a­ctive duty she wasn't half as good as Worf (who by the way had new make­up to make him look more Klingonish).
  • klingonise: - May 24 1993, 2:25 am by Captain Hikaru Sulu
    He's so wrapped up with taking the whole article to pieces t­hat he missed the point above BIG TIME - The point my friend I was making was that it was ­a once in a lifetime chance(don't bother to correct that statement) an­d for that one 'chance' they could have made the effort to klingonise the F­ed ships.
  • Klingonisch (German): - Jun 25 1993, 6:29 am by Sonja Kowalewski
    Ebenso eine fuer Klingonisch:
  • Klingonist, Klingonically: - Feb 6 1994, 6:26 am by Nick NICHOLAS
    A notice to Klingonically minded readers that the fine Kling­on comedy "paghmo' tIn mIS" (better known to Terrans in its crudely fo­rged version as "Much Ado About Nothing") has just been restored to the o­riginal Klingon after three months of painstaking research by outsta­nding Klingonist and self-promoter Nick "Worf looks much better wi­thout the ponytail" Nicholas.
  • Klingonists: - Feb 8 1994, 10:59 pm by Nick NICHOLAS
    If anyone out there in net land has a­ny suggestions, talk to these Klingonists yourselves!
  • klingonized: rec.arts.startrek.current - May 1 1994, 9:00 pm by AKIS, RICHARD JOHN
    With the Kl­ingons now established as good guys, the Romulans were brought back "klingonized" to fill this role.
  • Klingonization: alt.stupidity - May 26 1994, 1:32 am by Kor the Mighty
    A possible Klingonization would be qey'De'leynIy.
  • Klingonizations: alt.stupidity - May 26 1994, 1:32 am by Kor the Mighty
    Klingonizations of English-like words generally turn out pre­tty

badly, as in the two cases above.

  • Klingonism: alt.devilbunnies - May 30 1994, 7:30 pm by Douglas MacDougall
    Strange to see a glorified tribble advocating Klingonism!
  • Klingonisms (quoted): alt.startrek.klingon - Oct 27 1994, 9:15 am by Reshtarc
    My suggestion to everyone here is to get a copy of The Final­ Reflection and read it, you will most certainly enjoy it - and you may ­learn a few "Klingonisms" to boot...
  • Klingonize (quoted): - Aug 21 1995, 10:37 am by Andrea Todkill
    Adding Worf won't "Klingonize" the show.
  • Klingonising: rec.arts.startrek.current - Aug 25 1995, 5:28 pm by Hansel Fredrik Cook (quoted in this reply)
    Klingonising DS9 was a damn­ stupid idea to begin with: you don't fix something that isn't broken, ­and DS9 obviously wasn't broken, and bunging Worf et al in isn't _­about_ to "fix" it.
  • Klingonisation: - Feb 8 1996, 3:07 pm by Chris Dunford
    I'm not a fan of the Klingonisation of DS9 (though the found­erisation is getting even more tedious).
  • de-Klingonize: - Oct 6 1996, 9:27 pm by Franklin Hummel
    When the doctor mentions, as he is about to de-­Klingonize Odo, that he could give him any face he wants, Odo says he w­ill keep the one he has.
  • Klingonize (not quoted): - Sep 2 1997, 12:00 am by docwho
    However, Paramount's desire to Klingonize STAR TREK was kept in check for a while.
  • Klingonised: - Aug 19 2000, 8:06 am by Rhandolph
    The 'Bird of Prey' plans were probably Klingonised durin­g production to somewhat resemble a cross between a smaller D7 and an existi­ng bird of prey as seen in 'Balance of Terror' (TOS).
  • Klingonizing: - Oct 23 2000, 4:32 pm by Bryant Berggren
    Well, when I've used the term "Klingonizing", I use it as a ­readily *recognizable* reference, not as a definitive one.

Hippietrail 13:39, 30 Jan 2005 (UTC)

RFV discussion: May 2023


This entry has survived Wiktionary's verification process (permalink).

Please do not re-nominate for verification without comprehensive reasons for doing so.

Per my comments at Talk:Mozela, the only link which supported this surname existing is unreliable, and so I removed the template containing it (which also contained another link, which at first blush appears promising but is just a search tool).

I dont believe this surname exists. I dont want to repeat all that I wrote about Mozela, since it seems that surname RFV's are treated as traditional words (see talk:Nazndah), meaning we have to find three cites in running text instead of just pointing to an unreliable surname depository. Soap 23:54, 14 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

I recognize that this word has another extremely common sense that is going to make this unusually difficult to search for, but I think honestly if there are people who really have the surname Klingon, they will be famous for that alone (unless they are sick of the press) and they will be easy to find. Thanks, Soap 23:56, 14 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

I checked census records, which are (I think) durably archived, and found a few people (of Russian extraction) : Max A. Klingon in Chattanooga, Hamilton, Tennessee, in the 1950 census (ignore the wonky highlighting); Arthur Klingon and his family of Klingons in Chatham, Georgia, in the 1940 census; Louis Klingon in Brooklyn, Kings, New York, in the 1940 census; Helen Klingon in Kings, New York, in the 1950 census. I can also find some other records by searching for "Klingon" in pre-Star Trek books at Google Books:
  • 1910, Michiganensian, volume 14, page 190:
    Upon organization its members were as follows : Thomas Bell, Frank John Colgan, Roy Glenn Devoist, Marion Densmore, Lewis Eichee Klingon, William Lewis Rhonehouse, [] Densmore had disappeared, Klingon had gone to an eastern medical school, Stocking was not in college, []
  • 1915 June 25, case published in 1916 in Workmen's Compensation: Compendium of Awards, page 296:
  • 1944 October 19, case before judge Null, published in 1945 in New York Court of Appeals, Records and Briefs, page page 34:
    Q. What was the name of the physician?
    A. Dr. Klingon. []
    Q. [...] And when Dr. Klingon arrived, did he examine you?
    A. He did. []
    Dr. Louis E. Klingon, residing at 1720 Avenue J, Brooklyn, N. Y., called as a witness on behalf of the plaintiffs, having first been duly sworn, tesified as follows: []
(Cited, IMO.) - -sche (discuss) 00:48, 15 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
There is also this fellow:
  • 1878, Thomas B. H. Stenhouse, The Rocky Mountain Saints: A Full and Complete History of the Mormons, from the First Vision of Joseph Smith to the Last Courtship of Brigham Young...and the Development of the Great Mineral Wealth of the Territory of Utah, page 439:
    Personally appeared before me, Peter B. Miller, Clerk of Court of the Seventh Judicial District of the State of Nevada, Philip Klingon Smith, who being duly sworn, on his oath, says : My name is Philip Klingon Smith; I reside in []
(When searching census records I came across a Klingonsmith, who I suppose is related.) - -sche (discuss) 00:55, 15 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
Thanks and sorry for the trouble. I dont have access to census records (unless there's a free-access tool I dont know about) but I shouldve remembered that Google Books allows searching by date so that I could exclude the vastly more common modern sense. I don't think these could just all be typos so I agree it's cited now. Soap 02:08, 15 May 2023 (UTC)Reply
No problem. And: I think is free; they index a lot of records and often have scans/photos of census records. I'm curious whether the large proportion of people of Russian extraction in the results I found means anything (is this a Russian surname?) or is just chance / noise. - -sche (discuss) 04:17, 15 May 2023 (UTC)Reply

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