Template:U:hu:noun ending in i or y

Hungarian surnames ending in -i or -y (both pronounced /i/, e.g. Munkácsy, Kölcsey, Petőfi, Jókai) may form their plurals with or without a linking vowel. These variants are usually synonyms with an occasional difference in meaning. (Reference in Hungarian: e-nyelv: The plural of surnames ending in -i or -y.)

  • The variant with a linking vowel may indicate the persons belonging to the family with that surname.
    Megérkeztek a Munkácsyak!The Munkácsys (the Munkácsy family) are here!
  • The variant without a linking vowel may indicate similar personalities or the works, writings, paintings, etc. of a famous person with that surname.
    Megérkeztek a Munkácsyk!The Munkácsys (the paintings of Munkácsy) are here!