
This template creates a conjugation table for verb forms used in literary Welsh. Many of these forms are not encountered in the colloquial language. This template is for verb roots ending in w.


  |(root with vowel affection)
  |3=(3rd singular present/future)
  |3alt=(alternate 3rd singular present/future)
  |imp=(2nd singular imperative)
The template is shown vertically above for convenience. When using it, you must remove the line breaks and blank spaces or it won't render properly.

Definition of parameters

  • (root) = the root of the verb. This is also the second parameter used in {{cy-verb}}. This is the only obligatory parameter. If the root ends in nn or rr, put only one n or r here and use doublecons= (see below).
  • (root with vowel affection) = the form of the root when it has undergone vowel affection (for example, changing a to e), as is found in the 2nd person singular present/future among other forms. Do not use this parameter if the root does not undergo vowel affection, i.e. if the vowel of the 2nd person singular and the 1st person singular are the same.
  • 3= the "short" form of the 3rd person singular present/future, i.e. the form that does not end in -a. Enter - if no short form is attested. It is not necessary to type 3= if the previous parameter is present. Do not use this parameter if the form is identical to the root.
  • 3alt= an alternative short form of the 3rd person singular present/future. Use this parameter only if the verb has two "short" variants of the 3rd person singular form.
  • imp= the "short" form of the 2nd person singular imperative, i.e. the form that does not end in -a. Enter - if no short form is attested. Do not use this parameter if the form is identical either to the form specified in 3= or to the root.
  • nolong= Enter 3s if the 3rd person singular present/future is not attested to have a long form in -a. Enter imp if the 2nd person singular imperative is not attested to have a long form in -a. Enter both if neither of these forms is attested to have a long form in -a.
  • plup= Enter a if the preterite plural and the pluperfect forms have a before s (e.g. cadwasom). Omit this parameter if there is no a before the s (e.g. trawsom).
  • 2ssubj= Enter ech if the 2nd person singular subjunctive ends in -ech. Omit this parameter if it ends in -ych.
  • 2plaffectiononly= Enter ind if the 2nd person plural present/future is attested only with vowel affection. Enter imp if the 2nd person plural imperative is attested only with vowel affection. Enter both if both of those forms are attested only with vowel affection. If this parameter is omitted, the template assumes that both forms are attested both with and without vowel affection.
  • verbadj= Enter edig if only the verbal adjective in -edig is attested. Enter adwy if only the verb adjective in -adwy is attested. Enter none if neither verbal adjective is attested. Omit this parameter if both verbal adjectives are attested.



{{cy-conj-w|cadw|cedw|ceidw|nolong=3s|imp=cadw|plup=a|2plaffectiononly=both}} yields:

{{cy-conj-w|clyw|3=clyw|nolong=both|2ssubj=ech}} yields:

{{cy-conj-w|croesaw|croesew|-|imp=-|2plaffectiononly=ind}} yields:

{{cy-conj-w|taw|tew|-|imp=taw|nolong=imp|2plaffectiononly=both|verbadj=edig}} yields:

See also
