
Documentation for Template:displaced. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template is used in etymology sections of terms which have displaced an earlier term (by not setting |by=) or of terms that were displaced (by setting |by=1).


|1= (required)
The language code (see Wiktionary:Languages) of the term that was displaced (if without setting |by=) or of the term that was displaced (if |by=1).
|sl=1 (optional)
Short for same language. Indicates that the displaced term and the later one fall under the same language.
|by=1 (optional)
When the template is called in etymologies of the displaced terms.

Shares all other parameters with {{noncognate}}.



Use the code


to display the following text:

Displaced Old English ēaþmōdlīċe

Use the code


to display the following text:

Displaced nóg

Use the code


to display the following text:

Displaced by English humbly

Use the code


to display the following text:

Displaced by gryf