Template:hu-conj-ok/documentation/value parameters

Value parameters

  • longstem:

Some verbs lose their last vowel in every possible form, so their normal form is regarded as the one with the vowel omitted, and the form with the vowel is referred to as the "long stem". Not all such verbs even have a long stem (e.g. siklik). Set like longstem=romol for verbs with a long stem, and no-subj if the verb has no long stem, thus no subjunctive (and some other) forms (no sikoljon, csukoljon; such forms being controversial among native speakers). Sometimes this and a version with the vowelout flag can both appear in an entry if the verb can be conjugated according to both paradigms (omolna – omlana).

use: {{hu-conj-ok|ro|m|l|longstem=romol}} to get:

  • past: the simple-past ending, when no other suffixes come after it.
    One use is with verbs for which the vowelout flag is set. For example in one version of the conjugation of ugrik (ugorni, ugortunk) past=ott needs to be set, so as to prevent *ugort.
    It can also be used for verbs ending in -ed/-ad. Generally verbs ending in -d use the long past, so one needs to set the flag past=t for example to get eredt instead of *eredett, but it needn't be set for verbs like feledett, emelkedett, szedett.

use: {{hu-conj-ok|hal|a|d|past=t}} to get:

use: {{hu-conj-ok|ug|o|r|vowelout=y|past=ott|m=y}} to get:

One can use ugrik in two styles, with the vowelout system, so only a few forms shorten, and with the full longstem type, where all possible forms lose the last vowel. The second one is:

use: {{hu-conj-ok|u|g|r|longstem=ugor|m=y}} to get:

  • in-past: the past marker inside the word (e.g. when more suffixes are appended to the end after the past suffix, like in the form mondtam: am comes after the past t). So it is inside a past form, hence the name. The in-past option should be either t or ott/ett/ött.

With mond, it would be expected that it uses mondottam because it ends in two consonants. However, since this form is archaic, one must specify in-past = t.

use: {{hu-conj-ok|mo|n|d|in-past=t}} to get:

With hat, it would be expected that it uses *hattam because it has a vowel at the last but one place, just like hallgattam. One-syllable verbs are, however, used like hatottam, but as the number of syllables is unknown to the template, one must specify in-past = ott.

use: {{hu-conj-ok|h|a|t|in-past=ott}} to get:

  • v-stem: an alternative (additional) v-stem form for the present participle and the verbal noun (e.g. menekvés, menekvő apart from menekülés, menekülő). With the v reinterpreted as variant, it can also be repurposed for an additional (verbal noun) stem variant (e.g. várakozás being more common than várás).

use: {{hu-conj-ök|menek|ü|l|intrans=y|v-stem=menekv}} to get:

use: {{hu-conj-ok|haszn|á|l|verbalnoun=használat}} to get:

  • caus is the suffix for the causative if it can be formed without changing the stem (it uses the short stem like ugr- for ugrik for the suffix variant -at/-et and the long stem for all other forms, usually -tat/-tet but sometimes other variants like -ít).

  • fullcaus is for the full causative (with or without square brackets), when it cannot be simply formed with adding a suffix, e.g. when the stem is changed (e.g. the ending is omitted or the vowel is shortened), when multiple (normally two) forms are to be displayed, or when the form is to be displayed in parentheses to indicate it's semantically or morphologically not directly related to the main verb.