
Documentation for Template:no-noun-infl. [edit]
This page contains usage information, categories, interwiki links and other content describing the template.

This template predates the current practice of having separate sections for Bokmål and Nynorsk (see Wiktionary:About Norwegian), and should be updated or split into separate templates for Bokmål and Nynorsk. See e.g. {{nb-noun-n1}} and {{nn-noun-n1}} for alternative templates that are up-to-date.

This template makes a table with declensions of Norwegian nouns. It can produce up to four rows in the table, two Bokmål declensions and two Nynorsk declensions, or any combinations of these rows.

This template contains the necessary meta-data to allow users who are using accelerated editing to create any grammatical forms semi-automatically.

The possible declension classes are given in the tables below.

Bokmål edit

Class Indef. sg. Def. sg. Indef. pl. Def. pl. Stem parameter
f1 bru brua bruer bruene no
f1 pumpe pumpa pumper pumpene yes
f2 hulder huldra huldre/huldrer huldrene yes
m1 stol stolen stoler stolene no
m1 bakke bakken bakker bakkene yes
kam kammen kammer kammene
m2 lærer læreren lærere lærerne no
m3 bever beveren bevere/bevre/bevrer beverne/bevrene yes
m4 nøkkel nøkkelen nøkler nøklene yes
n1 slott slottet slott slotta/slottene no
n2 salt saltet salter salta/saltene no
n2 eple eplet epler epla/eplene yes
lam lammet lam lamma/lammene
n3 kontor kontoret kontor/kontorer kontora/kontorene no
n3 høve høvet høve/høver høva/høvene yes
irreg mann mannen menn mennene no

Nynorsk edit

Class Indef. sg. Def. sg. Indef. pl. Def. pl. Stem parameter
f1 bygd bygda bygder bygdene yes
f2 vise visa viser visene yes
f3 dronning dronninga dronningar dronningane no
m1 båt båten båtar båtane no
m1 hage hagen hagar hagane yes
kam kammen kammar kammane
m2 nøkkel nøkkelen nøklar nøklane yes
n1 hus huset hus husa no
n1 rike riket rike rika yes
lam lammet lam lamma
irreg mann mannen menn mennene no

Regular nouns edit

Parameters edit

  • {{{nb-class}}}: The class of the Bokmål form.
  • {{{nn-class}}}: The class of the Nynorsk form.
  • {{{stem}}}: A stem for both the Bokmål and Nynorsk classes when the stems are identical, or used where only one class takes a stem. Only used in some classes.
  • {{{nb-stem}}}: The stem of a Bokmål class used where the stems of the two languages differ. Only used in some classes.
  • {{{nn-stem}}}: The stem of a Nynorsk class used where the stems of the two languages differ. Only used in some classes.
  • {{{nb-class2}}}: Alternative Bokmål class
  • {{{nn-class2}}}: Alternative Nynorsk class

Examples edit

  • bord: {{no-noun|nb-class=n1|nn-class=n1}}
  • bakke: {{no-noun|nb-class=f2|nb-class2=m1|nn-class=f1|stem=bakk}}

Irregular nouns edit

Parameters edit

For the parameters that are common to Bokmål and Nynorsk, the prefixes nb- and nn- should be added in front of the listed Bokmål and Nynorsk forms, respectively, if the verb is to be conjugated in both Bokmål and Nynorsk. E. g. {{{nb-ds}}}, {{{nn-ds}}}. Otherwise, they are optional. If a form is common, there is no need to use the prefix. For the alternative classes, such as {{{nb-class2}}}, use e.g. {{{nb-ds-2}}}

  • {{{ds}}}: The definite singular
  • {{{ds2}}}: Alternative definite singular
  • {{{ip}}}: The indefinite plural
  • {{{ip2}}}: Alternative indefinite plural
  • {{{dp}}}: Definite plural
  • {{{dp2}}}: Alternative definite plural
  • {{{g}}}: gender

Nynorsk only parameters

  • {{{ds-bracket}}}: Definite singular bracket form (klammeform)
  • {{{ip-bracket}}}: Indefinite plural bracket form
  • {{{dp-bracket}}}: Definite plural bracket form

Examples edit

  • mann: {{no-noun|nb-class=irreg|nn-class=irreg|ds=mannen|ip=menn|nn-ip2=menner|dp=mennene|g=m}}