

|1= (required)
The language code (see Wiktionary:Languages) for the language that the term is in. All Wiktionary language codes are supported, including those for constructed and reconstructed languages.
|2= (required)
The page name to be linked to. The template will automatically remove diacritics and punctuation from the page title, according to the entry_name setting in Module:languages, but will keep them in the displayed text.
Alternative text to display as the link title, if different from the page name. Please do not use this only for adding diacritics or punctuation to the word, as the template can automatically remove these. See above.
A gloss or short translation of the word. The parameter |gloss= is deprecated for this purpose.
A gender indication for the term
A part of speech indication for the term.
Notes for the term.
Supresses the asterisk/bullet.
Updated the caption to and see.
Updated the caption to compare with.



{{see|el|γιατρός|t=doctor|g=m,f|notes=both genders}}


{{see|el|πλάθω|t=to create, to give form to|compare=1}}
  • compare with: πλάθω (plátho, to create, to give form to)

see: κόκκινος (kókkinos, red, adjective)

