Template:table:poker hands/cmn

Poker hands in Mandarin · 撲克牌扑克牌 (layout · text)
單張单张 (dānzhāng), 高牌,
烏龍乌龙 (wūlóng)
(duì), 對子对子 (duìzi),
一對一对 (yīduì)
兩對两对 三張三张, 三條三条 (sāntiáo) (shùn), 順子顺子 (shùnzi)
同花 (tónghuā) 三帶二三带二 四張四张, 四條四条 (sìtiáo),
鐵扇铁扇, 鐵支铁支
同花順同花顺 (tónghuāshùn) 同花大順同花大顺 (tónghuā dàshùn)

The following documentation is automatically transcluded by the template {{table doc}}.

This template is a table cross-linking terms in Mandarin. Use this template in the "See also" section of all the members of this table, and the title entry as well:

===See also===
{{table:poker hands/cmn}}

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