

Alternative forms




Blend of Trek (Star Trek) +‎ technology.



Treknology (uncountable)

  1. (fandom slang) The fictional science and technology featured in the Star Trek franchise.
    • 2012, William Shatner, I'm Working On That: A Trek From Science Fiction To Science Fact, unnumbered page:
      Over the years, the supporting information for all of this faux “Treknology” has become nearly as complex as you'd expect the real technology to be and has been refined to the finest of arts.
    • 2015, Douglas Brode, Shea T. Brode, The Star Trek Universe: Franchising the Final Frontier[1], page 38:
      The possibilities and challenges introduced by even our most basic versions of the holodeck and replicator may seem small in comparison to the most significant breakthrough of Treknology—the transporter.
    • 2018, Bob Rehak, More Than Meets the Eye: Special Effects and the Fantastic Transmedia Franchise[2], page 54:
      For design-oriented fans grappling with constant changes presented by the franchise's expansion and evolution, the details of visualized “Treknology” such as warp-nacelle configuration, transporter range, and the correct color of phaser beams are sites of intense negotiation over authenticity and allegiance.

Usage notes

  • This term is not used within the fictional universe of Star Trek, but rather to describe such material in the real world.

Derived terms
