



Blend of Trump +‎ dumpster diving.





Trumpster diving (uncountable)

  1. (US, politics, dated, informal, humorous) The act of scraping the bottom of the barrel to find a candidate.
    • 2015 December 15, Hart Seely, Bard of the Deal: The Poetry of Donald Trump[1], HarperCollins, →ISBN:
      So, sit back, grill a Trump Steak, pour a tall glass of Trump Vodka, and go “Trumpster diving” for some billiondollar stanzas, straight from the Bard of the Deal. As the Poet himself might say, this stuff is like very, very, very good.
    • 2016 January 21, R. R. Reno, “Conservatives against Trump”, in National Review[2], archived from the original on 2022-10-29:
      He presents himself as a Strong Man who promises to knock heads and make things right again. In this, he has a lot more in common with South American populist demagogues than with our tradition of political leaders... The middle-class consensus in America has collapsed. This is the most important political and social earthquake since World War II. The conservative movement's leadership isn't up to the challenge, and a good number of voters are willing to gamble on Trump's bluster. Bad bet. Our nation's solidarity is being tested. It will only make things worse if we go Trumpster diving.
    • 2017 March 8, William L. Benoit, Mark J. Glantz, Persuasive Attacks on Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidential Primary[3], Lexington Books, →ISBN:
      Reno humorously cautions against going “Trumpster diving” for our next president (p. 38). Donald Trump was reviled for his vulgarity and boastfulness.

See also


