User:Anarhistička Maca/Appendix:Russian verbs of motion

Intransitive Verbs of Motion
Verb Directionality Mode of Motion Definitions of Motion Derivation
идти Concrete on foot to walk Perfectives:

пойти / сходить;

Further derivation:

-ходить (ipfv.) / -йти (pfv.)

ходить Abstract
ехать Concrete by vehicle to go by (terrestrial) vehicle,

to drive


поехать / поездить;

Further derivation:

-езжать (ipfv.) / -ехать (pfv.)

ездить Abstract
лететь Concrete by flight to fly Perfectives:

полететь / полетать

Further derivation:

-лететь (ipfv.) / -летать (pfv.)

летать Abstract
Transitive Verbs of Motion
Verb Directionality Mode of Motion Definitions of Motion Derivation
нести Concrete on foot to carry, bear
носить Abstract
вести Concrete on foot to lead, take; to drive,

operate a vehicle

водить Abstract
везти Concrete by vehicle to transport, take
возить Abstract