About me

en This user is a native speaker of English.
la-2 Hic usuarius lingua latina mediae difficultatis conferre potest.
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UTC-6 This user's time zone is UTC-6 and observes Daylight Saving Time (in the Northern Hemisphere).
JS-3 This user can write more complex JavaScript code, and can understand and modify most scripts written by others.
{{t}}-1 This user knows the basics of how to use wiki templates in entries.
lua-0 This user knows little about Lua and just mimics existing usage.
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I'm Ethan, currently a student living in Decorah, Iowa. My primary passion is the Latin language, although I will dabble in ancient history (primarily of the Roman variety) and linguistics on occasion. I also enjoy reading immensely, with few of my favorite works (most of them being classical), in no particular order and not limited to the following, including:

When I'm not studying Latin and language, creating new works of writing, or reading about the exploits of some long-dead Roman historical figure, I can usually be found attempting something music-related -- most of it drumming and producing. I have yet to make anything of note, however.

About my username


I am often asked about my usernames, given their unusual natures. My Wiktionary username, "Deus omnipotens" is a reference to my Discord username, "deus magnus omnipotēnsque deōrum". It literally translates as "god almighty", "omnipotent god", etc.. The phrase "god almighty" in itself is a reference to my initial Discord username, which was simply the previously stated phrase.

The only reason I started using this username in the first place was as a joke. A few of my acquaintances thought it might be funny to change my original username so I obliged and changed it. It simply grew on me, thus why I still use it to this very day in most online circles.

About my contributions


Given that I am only fluent in English and only possess an intermediate to semi-advanced understanding of Latin, with a general disinterest in the further study of English, most of my page edits and creations will be for Latin, with only a few in English or other languages.

As for how I contribute, right now most of my contributions are constrained to only a few types. This is largely because of either (again) my lack of interest in English pages or because of my intermediate knowledge of Latin. When I do contribute, you'll see me do it in one of the following ways (for the most part):

  • Fixing pages that are massively broken (i.e, full of broken or nonexistent links). Examples include:
  • Editing pages that have minor formatting, grammatical errors, or link errors.
  • Adding small tidbits of extra, relevant info, to existing pages (i.e, quotations, usages, alternate translations, etc.).