this is turning into a project, so I've created this subpage - I'm not very sure in my understanding of the "advancement" or "retraction" effect of tongue shape (laminal / apical / sub-apical), so my placement of characters in that context may be shifty or even just incorrect, but the following is the best I can yet make of a tabular arrangement that accords with my present level of learning

obscure (but interspersed with common) phonetic characters, classified (but maybe obsolete) by IPA and/or Unicode
bilabial labiodental dental alveolar postalveolar palatal velar uvular pharyngeal epiglottal glottal
  palatoalveolar retroflex alveolo-palatal   labio-velar    
  palatalized vel-/phryng- sub-apical palatalized vel-/phryng- labialized ("grooved" if sibilant) palatalized vel-/phryng- labialized ("domed" tongue shape) palatalized ("flat" tongue shape) palatalized (/labialalized) palatalized palatalized
apical sub-apical   sub-apical apical
plosive                       ȹ ()   ȸ ()     ƫ                    ȶ     ȡ                      
nasal                                                ȵ         ɲ ()  
trill                        (ʀ̥)      
tap or flap          
affricate   ʦ (ƾ)   ʣ (ƻ)     ʧ     ʤ               ʨ     ʥ  
fricative   ɸ ()   β (ƀ)                         σ (ȿ)   ƍ (ɀ)         ɼ ()                         ƪ     ƺ               ʃ     ʒ     ʆ ()   ʓ     ʂ     ʐ               ɕ   ʑ (ݬ)                   ɣ (ǥ)         ʕ (ƹ)            
lateral fricative          
lateral approximant                  ɫ          ȴ  
implosive       ɓ ()  
implosive approximant       ƴˤ ()