ro Acest utilizator este un vorbitor nativ al limbii române.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
de-3 Dieser Benutzer hat sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse.
la-2 Hic usuarius lingua latina mediae difficultatis conferre potest.
he-1 משתמש זה מסוגל לתרום ברמה בסיסית של עברית.
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Anyone would agree that Wiktionary’s killer feature (as far as non-English languages are concerned) is its etymologies. Meanwhile, many entries are written with the definitions as a second thought.

Fine points about a word’s natural use and positioning fall outside the focus of even the best monolingual dictionaries, are too granular and numerous for grammar books to keep track of, and may well not be the concern of learners’ dictionaries outside the biggest of the world’s languages. Wiktionary’s usage notes are able to fill this niche that is as of now only served by decade-old threads on word reference forums. To this end, the free-form text of usage notes should be more robustly, prominently and unambiguously integrated with individual definitions. I propose a wider implementation of the footnote system in use at de#Romanian.

I would be happy to receive digitalised Hebrew lexicographical resources.

Only boring user pages have entry lists on them. Entries to add:

Entries to improve:

Quotations to add sometime:

  • 2013 July 3–9, Alexandru Hâncu, “Persecutat de internet [Persecuted by the internet]”, in Kamikaze, year 4, number 26, page 3:
    În lista arhivei Ronald Reagan [] acest consilier special la Casa Albă, încă pe probleme economice, nu figurează!
    Within the list of the Ronald Reagan archive [] this special White House counsellor—on economic issues, no less—does not show up!
  • 1945–1946, Lucian Blaga, chapter 35, in George Ivașcu, editor, Hronicul și cîntecul vîrstelor [Chronicle and song of the ages], first edition, Bucharest: Editura Tineretului, published 1965, page 182:
    Pe la locuința mea dam de obicei numai pe seară.
    I would only ? my home towards evening.
  • 1962 April, “Moscova [Moscow]”, in Teodor Balș, transl., Secolul 20 [The 20th Century]‎[1], year 2, number 4, Bucharest, translation of original by Vladimir Lugovskoy, page 8:
    Într-o tăcere stranie, de toamnă,
    ne risipirăm fără un cuvînt.
    In a strange autumn silence
    We scattered without a word.
  • 2021, “Reînsuflețirea unui bloc de locuințe modernist”, in Zeppelin, number 163, Bucharest, translation of Reviving the Modernist Housing Block by Mona Schalin, page 91:
    Studiul culorilor a relevat [translating revealed] faptul că pe fiecare casă a scării unul dintre pereți și mâna curentă erau aceeași culoare.
    The study of colours revealed the fact that, in each stairwell, one of the walls and the handrail were the same colour.
  • 2022, Goran Mrakić, Micile plăceri ale morții [The small pleasures in death]‎[2], Bucharest: Nemira, →ISBN, page 164:
    Norocul i-a surâs repede și i-a mulțumit lui Dumnezeu că o rupea pe șvăbește, așa că a putut să se înțeleagă, în mare, cu niște germani []
    Fortune quickly became favourable to him and he thanked God he had some proficiency in Swabian, so that he was able to communicate, in broad strokes, with some Germans []