User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-z

Zacharias {prop} :: given name
Zagreb {prop} :: Zagreb (capital city)
Zakarias {prop} :: Zacharias; Zechariah [biblical character]
Zakarias {prop} :: given name, sometimes spelled Zacharias. Cognate to Zachary
Zambia {prop} :: Zambia
zar {noun} :: tsar, czar
zarina {noun} :: tsarina, czarina
zebra {noun} :: zebra
zebrafinke {noun} :: zebra finch
zeitgeist {noun} :: zeitgeist
Zeitgeist {noun} :: alternative case form of zeitgeist
Zekarja {prop} :: Zachariah [biblical character]
Zenia {prop} :: given name
zenit {noun} [uncountable] :: Zenith
Zeus {prop} [Greek god] :: Zeus (Supreme ruler of all Greek gods, husband to Hera)
zink {n} {c} :: zinc
zirconium {noun} :: zirconium
zirkon {noun} :: zircon (mineral)
zirkon {noun} [rare] :: zirconium (the element)
zirkonium {noun} :: alternative spelling of zirconium
zloty {noun} [numismatics] :: zloty
zone {noun} :: zone
zoo {noun} :: a zoo, zoological garden
zoologisk have {c} :: a zoo, zoological garden
zucchini {noun} :: courgette, squash, zucchini
Zürich {prop} :: Zürich (capital city)
Zürich {prop} :: Zürich (canton)