User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-hu-0

1 {symbol} (deliberate misspelling of !) :: 4
1000th {adj} (abbreviation of thousandth) :: 1000
100-meter dash {n} (sprint race over 100 metres) :: 100 méter
100 metres {n} (sprint race over 100 metres) :: 100 méter
100th {adj} (abbreviation of hundredth, see also: hundredth) :: 100.
10th {adj} (abbreviation of tenth, see also: tenth) :: 10.
15 minutes of fame {n} (fifteen minutes of fame) :: tizenöt perc hírnév
17th {adj} (abbreviation of seventeenth, see also: seventeenth) :: 17.
1920s {n} (the decade from 1920 to 1929) SEE: twenties ::
1930s {n} (the decade from 1930 to 1939) SEE: thirties ::
1940s {n} (the decade from 1940 to 1949) SEE: forties ::
1950s {n} (the decade from 1950 to 1959) SEE: fifties ::
1970s {n} (the decade from 1970 to 1979) SEE: seventies ::
1980s {n} (eighties) SEE: eighties ::
1990s {n} (nineties) SEE: nineties ::
1 Corinthians {prop} (book of the New Testament) :: Pál első levele a korinthosziakhoz
1st {adj} (abbreviation of first, see also: first) :: 1.
200 metres {n} (sprint race over 200 metres) :: 200 méter
20s {n} (the decade of the 1920s) SEE: twenties ::
2 Corinthians {prop} (book of the New Testament) :: Pál második levele a korinthosziakhoz
2-methylpropane {n} (isobutane) SEE: isobutane ::
30s {n} (the decade of the 1930s) SEE: thirties ::
30th {adj} (abbreviation of thirtieth, see also: thirtieth) :: 30.
33 {n} (thirty-three) SEE: thirty-three ::
3-dimensional {adj} (three-dimensional) SEE: three-dimensional ::
3D printer {n} (device for making three-dimensional solid objects) :: 3D nyomtató
40s {n} (the decade of the 1940s) SEE: forties ::
4-dimensional {adj} (four-dimensional) SEE: four-dimensional ::
4th {adj} (abbreviation of fourth, see also: fourth) :: 4.
50s {n} (the decade of the 1950s) SEE: fifties ::
5th {adj} (abbreviation of fifth, see also: fifth) :: 5.
60s {n} (the decade of the 1960s) SEE: sixties ::
70s {n} (the decade of the 1970s) SEE: seventies ::
80s {n} (the decade of the 1980s) SEE: eighties ::
8-bit {adj} (represented using 8 bits) :: 8 bites
-'s {suffix} (-s) SEE: -s ::
-'s {particle} (possessive marker) :: -ja [suffix on the thing owned]
İzmir {prop} (Izmir) SEE: Izmir ::