User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-nl-0

0th {adj} (abbreviation of zeroth) :: 0e {m}
10th {adj} (abbreviation of tenth, see also: tenth) :: 10de, 10e
12th {adj} (abbreviation of twelfth, see also: twelfth) :: 12e, 12de
13th {adj} (abbreviation of thirteenth, see also: thirteenth) :: 13e, 13de
14th {adj} (abbreviation of fourteenth, see also: fourteenth) :: 14e
15th {adj} (abbreviation of fifteenth, see also: fifteenth) :: 15e
1920s {n} (the decade from 1920 to 1929) SEE: twenties ::
1930s {n} (the decade from 1930 to 1939) SEE: thirties ::
1940s {n} (the decade from 1940 to 1949) SEE: forties ::
1950s {n} (the decade from 1950 to 1959) SEE: fifties ::
1970s {n} (the decade from 1970 to 1979) SEE: seventies ::
1980s {n} (eighties) SEE: eighties ::
1990s {n} (nineties) SEE: nineties ::
1st {adj} (abbreviation of first, see also: first) :: 1ste, 1e
20s {n} (the decade of the 1920s) SEE: twenties ::
2nd {adj} (abbreviation of second, see also: second) :: 2de, 2e
30s {n} (the decade of the 1930s) SEE: thirties ::
33 {n} (thirty-three) SEE: thirty-three ::
3-dimensional {adj} (three-dimensional) SEE: three-dimensional ::
3D printer {n} (device for making three-dimensional solid objects) :: 3D-printer
3rd {adj} (abbreviation of third, see also: third) :: 3e, 3de
40s {n} (the decade of the 1940s) SEE: forties ::
40th {adj} (abbreviation of fortieth, see also: fortieth) :: 40e
4th {adj} (abbreviation of fourth, see also: fourth) :: 4de, 4e
50s {n} (the decade of the 1950s) SEE: fifties ::
5th {adj} (abbreviation of fifth, see also: fifth) :: 5de, 5e
60s {n} (the decade of the 1960s) SEE: sixties ::
6th {adj} (abbreviation of sixth, see also: sixth) :: 6de, 6e
70s {n} (the decade of the 1970s) SEE: seventies ::
7th {adj} (abbreviation of seventh, see also: seventh) :: 7de, 7e
80s {n} (the decade of the 1980s) SEE: eighties ::
86 {v} (cancel an order) :: schrappen
86 {v} (remove an item from the menu) :: schrappen
86 {v} (throw out) :: wegdoen, kwijtraken
8th {adj} (abbreviation of eighth, see also: eighth) :: 8ste, 8e
9th {adj} (abbreviation of ninth, see also: ninth) :: 9de, 9e
-'s {suffix} (-s) SEE: -s ::
-'s {particle} (possessive marker) :: -s [formal]
-'s {particle} (the house/place/establishment of) :: bij
's-Hertogenbosch {prop} (capital city of North Brabant) :: 's-Hertogenbosch {n}, Den Bosch