User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-no-0

0th {adj} (abbreviation of zeroth) :: 0.
10th {adj} (abbreviation of tenth, see also: tenth) :: 10.
11th {adj} (abbreviation of eleventh, see also: eleventh) :: 11.
12th {adj} (abbreviation of twelfth, see also: twelfth) :: 12.
13th {adj} (abbreviation of thirteenth, see also: thirteenth) :: 13.
14th {adj} (abbreviation of fourteenth, see also: fourteenth) :: 14.
15 minutes of fame {n} (fifteen minutes of fame) :: femten minutters berømmelse
15th {adj} (abbreviation of fifteenth, see also: fifteenth) :: 15.
16th {adj} (abbreviation of sixteenth, see also: sixteenth) :: 16.
17th {adj} (abbreviation of seventeenth, see also: seventeenth) :: 17.
18th {adj} (abbreviation of eighteenth, see also: eighteenth) :: 18.
1950s {n} (the decade from 1950 to 1959) SEE: fifties ::
19th {adj} (abbreviation of nineteenth, see also: nineteenth) :: 19.
1st {adj} (abbreviation of first, see also: first) :: 1.
20th {adj} (abbreviation of twentieth, see also: twentieth) :: 20.
22nd {adj} (abbreviation of twenty-second) :: 22.
23rd {adj} (abbreviation of twenty-third) :: 23.
24th {adj} (abbreviation of twenty-fourth) :: 24.
25th {adj} (abbreviation of twenty-fifth) :: 25.
26th {adj} (abbreviation of twenty-sixth) :: 26.
27th {adj} (abbreviation of twenty-seventh) :: 27.
28th {adj} (abbreviation of twenty-eighth) :: 28.
29th {adj} (abbreviation of twenty-ninth) :: 29.
2-dimensional {adj} (two-dimensional) SEE: two-dimensional ::
2nd {adj} (abbreviation of second, see also: second) :: 2.
30th {adj} (abbreviation of thirtieth, see also: thirtieth) :: 30.
31st {adj} (abbreviation of thirty-first) :: 31.
32nd {adj} (abbreviation of thirty-second) :: 32.
33rd {adj} (abbreviation of thirty-third) :: 33.
34th {adj} (abbreviation of thirty-fourth) :: 34.
35th {adj} (abbreviation of thirty-fifth) :: 35.
36th {adj} (abbreviation of thirty-sixth) :: 36.
37th {adj} (abbreviation of thirty-seventh) :: 37.
38th {adj} (abbreviation of thirty-eighth) :: 38.
39th {adj} (abbreviation of thirty-ninth) :: 39.
3-dimensional {adj} (three-dimensional) SEE: three-dimensional ::
3rd {adj} (abbreviation of third, see also: third) :: 3.
40th {adj} (abbreviation of fortieth, see also: fortieth) :: 40.
41st {adj} (abbreviation of forty-first) :: 41.
42nd {adj} (abbreviation of forty-second) :: 42.
43rd {adj} (abbreviation of forty-third) :: 43.
44th {adj} (abbreviation of forty-fourth) :: 44.
4th {adj} (abbreviation of fourth, see also: fourth) :: 4.
50s {n} (the decade of the 1950s) SEE: fifties ::
5th {adj} (abbreviation of fifth, see also: fifth) :: 5.
6th {adj} (abbreviation of sixth, see also: sixth) :: 6.
7th {adj} (abbreviation of seventh, see also: seventh) :: 7.
8th {adj} (abbreviation of eighth, see also: eighth) :: 8.
9th {adj} (abbreviation of ninth, see also: ninth) :: 9.
-'s {suffix} (-s) SEE: -s ::
-'s {particle} (possessive marker) :: -s, til (after the thing owned and before the owner, his genitive)