User:Mellohi!/Cath Sléphe Cáin

Since this short passage is tagged as Old Irish in CELT, I seek to translate it.

The text


Scuchaidh cách co araili díobh, edón Fint & Gold. Fo-rruipnetar 'sin tailaig. Lautar forsna h-armu, consephnatar forsna scíathu. Elcuig indalanae, ruibidh alailiu. Eacmaing Fint dia tofund, toaidh Gold forsin amar & consephaind Oséne mac Fint dia timchar & maidhidh for claind Morndai &c.



Scuchaid cách co araili díb, ed ón Find & Gold. For·ruiphnetar isin tailaig. Lotar forsna h-armu, con sephnatar forsna scíathu. Elcuig indala n-áe, ruibid alailiu. Ecmaing Find dia tofunn, toaid Gold forsin amar & con sephainn Oséne mac Find dia timchar & maidid for claind Morndai &c.





They (i.e. Finn and Gold) advanced to each other. They resorted to their weapons, striking each other in their shields. It so happened that Finn was in pursuit of him, Gold turning to lament... ...and the descendants of Morndae are defeated etc.