User:Zff19930930/Interpretation of Yola pronunciation



Little is known about Yola pronunciation, the only comments of Yola pronunciation are to be found on page 13 in Barnes (1867).

In order for a person not acquainted with the pronunciation of the dialect to for many thing like an idea of it, it is first necessary to speak slowly, and remember that the letter a has invariably the same sound, like a in father. Double ee sounds as e in me, and in most words of two syllables the long accent is placed on the last. To follow the English pronunciation completely deprives the dialect of its peculiarities.

And another piece on page 134 in Browne (1927).

The dialect was spoken very slowly. In words of two or more syllables the long accent is on the last, and the sound of a is very broad, like aa.

From above we can learn that the short <a> is /a/, the long <a> is /ɔː/ and the <ee> is /iː/, but these are far from satisfactory. This article aims to unravel the mystery of Yola pronunciation.

Stress shift


Yola stresses the last syllable, some typical examples show the long accent:

Yola bedreede Deenees Palloake Bugaaune vezeeen pitheye
English bedrid Dennis Palluch Boggan fizzing pity

Some words with diacritic:

Yola bandēle gaudés hardïshe
English bendel gaudies

The stress shift even created an extra syllable:

Yola halleef callef
English half calf

Last short vowel can be stressed, as in early goouness /guːˈnɛs/, which eventually became goounees /guːˈniːz/.

Vowels in first syllable can be long or short:

Yola knaugane, knockane
Irish cnocán

Vowels in first and last syllables can be both long:

Yola Deenees Phielim
English Dennis Philip

or both short:

Yola carrick

Yola was spoken in southeast Ireland and has some loanwords from Southern Irish (Munster Irish):

Yola Irish Munster Connacht Ulster
shraanes, shruanes, shruaanès sreang /ʃɾˠauŋɡ/ /sˠɾˠɑːŋ/ /sˠɾˠaŋ/

Yola also borrowed its stress shift:

Yola Irish Munster Connacht Ulster
garraane gearrán /ɟəˈɾˠɑːnˠ/ /ˈɟaɾˠɑːnˠ/ /ˈɟaɾˠanˠ/
potteen poitín /pˠəˈtʲiːnʲ/ /ˈpˠɛtʲiːnʲ/ /ˈpˠɛtʲinʲ/

Yola stress is consistently on the last syllable:

Yola Irish Munster Connacht Ulster
punaan punann /ˈpˠʊn̪ˠən̪ˠ/ /ˈpˠʊnˠən̪ˠ/ /ˈpˠʌn̪ˠən̪ˠ/
barnaugh bairneach /ˈbˠɑːɾˠn̠ʲəx/ /ˈbˠɑːɾˠn̠ʲəx/ /ˈbˠaːɾˠn̠ʲa(x)/

Demonstration Method


Since there is no native speaker of Yola, the pronunciation reconstruction is mainly by comparison.

1.Variant spelling: Yola is mere a vernacular whose orthography was never established. Thus, some etymological spelling has valuble phonetic variant. For instance:

Etymological spelling: faaighe (faith, from Middle English fai)
Phonetic spelling: fyth /iː/ (faith, from Middle English faith) 

2.Middle English: Being a descendant of Middle English, Yola's prounciation is confined to its ancestral language.

3.Irish: Yola borrowed some vocabulary from Irish, as well as its pronunciation.

Vowel Pronunciation


One-letter vowels


Letter <a1~a5>

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<a1> roostha roosthaa rusty /iː/ <a> is the abbreviation of <aa>
a ee the tha thay þe /eː/ <a> is the abbreviation of <ay>
ameing aim eymynge /æi̯/ <a> is the abbreviation of <ai>
na naay nay /æi̯/ <a> is the abbreviation of <aay>
banès baanès beanès bene /ɛː/ <a>, <aa> and <ea> are interchangeable in Yola.
buckate boket /ɛ/ /ɛ/→/ɛː/→/eː/→/iː/ due to stress shift.
litha lythea litel /ә/ /ә/→/iː/ due to stress shift.
<a2> ɔː name naame naume name /aː/
dra drawen /au̯/
farragh *farow /ɔu̯/
rade rode /ɔː/
am aam am /a/ am /au/
bash baashes baush bas /a/ <a> is also a fast spelling for /ɔː/, which was borrowed from Irish <á>.
knagane knaughaan o'noghanes cnocán /ɔ.ɑː/ /ɔːg/ vs /ɔk/
zalavache saalvache salach /ə/ (Munster)
managh meana /ə/
yola yolaw Compare English Yola /ə/
<a3> a at thet that /a/
lackin lockeen lakkynge /a/
daf daff doff doffen /ɔ/
waddeen weddeen weddynge /ɛ/ Short <a> is faithfully /a/. The /ɔ/ was spelled <au> or <o>, as in taullee, kotch.
yalpeen yelpinge /ɛ/
garraane gearrán /a/
prasaugh prassaugh prásach /ɑː/
<a4> ə ana an an Added to seperate consonants (e.g. ana whilke)
a e a /a/ (one)
a voorneen a mhuirnín /ә/
ammache amach /ә/
galore go leor /ә/
bouchalawn boouchelawn buachalán /ә/
na na /ә/
<a5> / zalavache saalvache salach
hamas hamsraw

Letter <e1~e4 & è>

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<e1> michel mayde child /iː/
ameve ameven /eː/
whet whete /ɛː/
hele hile hil /i/
chemis jimes chippe /i/ /t͡ʃiːm-/ vs /t͡ʃip-/
beteesh beeteesh bitwixe /i/
vrem vreem vrim vram /a/
condel condale candel /ә/
halef halleef half
benagh biorach /ɪ/
khuingoke khuingokee cuinneog / /
<e2> ɛ pideff putteth /ɛ/
ess asse /a/
rebine rubbynge /u/
arent arounde /uː/
pether peutre /ɛu̯/
mell mele /ɛː/
cress criss creiz /æi̯/
sheck sioc /ɯ/ (Munster)
Jennate Compare English Janet /æ/
<e3> ə egast egasted agasten /a/
vaperreen vapourynge /u/
generale generale /ә/
boouchelawn buachalán /ә/
<e4> / butteree buttry
gurthes gruts grotes /ɛ/
coolecannan cál ceannann
puckane pucán
<è> / vassalès vassaals vasales /ɛ/ Not French <è> /ɛ/
y-clepèd y-clep'd ycleped /ɛ/
lhauchès still silent (not /ɪz/) after /s, z, ʃ, ʒ, tʃ, dʒ/

Letter <i1~i3>

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<i1> besithes besidh bisides /iː/ /iːts/ vs /aɪdz/
dhrive dhreeve driven /iː/
nishte neeshte neste /eː/
hiver heyfre /æi̯/
niz nize nese /ɛː/
mize mase /aː/
vice voys /ui̯/
rishp reeshp rieshp rispen /i/ /s/ → /ʃ/ after /iː/
drine dringe /i/
milonach méalach /eː/
kish kishe cis /ɪ/
<i2> ɪ ich 'ch- ich /i/
hin hen /ɛ/
tib tibbès tubbe /u/
criss cress creiz /æi̯/
sthill stile /iː/
kippeens cipín /ɪ/
manish Compare English manage /ɪ/, /d͡ʒ/ was devoiced to /ʃ/ when in stressed syllable.
<i3> / chemis chems
ee-sarith sarrth

Letter <y1~y2>

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<y1> pethy pite /eː/
agyne agayn /æi̯/
tyshe tesen /ɛː/
hyme hime hame /aː/ Compare also Orkney Scots heem /i/.
y-clepèd ee-clepèd ycleped /i/
<y2> ɪ Wyllhaume Willyaam William /i/

Letter <o1~o4>

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<o1> ɔː zo zoo sae so /ɔː/ <oo> ≠ /oʊ/, <ae> ≠ /oː/ or /uː/
lhose lass lase /aː/
'ote woten /ɔ/
bogher boagher bóthar /oː/
eelone oiln [ɒː] (Munster)
gom gám /ɑː/
colure cooloor colúr /ɔ/
<o2> muthon mothoon motoun /uː/
wode ud wolde /oː/
brazon brasen /ә/
niztrols nizterels nesethirl
bilo't bilethe boillt
garson gorsoon garsún /uː/
Dearmoth Diarmaid /ə/
<o3> ɔ doff daff doffen /ɔ/
condale candale candel /a/
knockane cnocán /ɔ/
noggeen naigín /a/
<o4> ʊ wonter winter /i/
boththone buththone botoun /u/
konnee kne / /
comree coimrí /ɪ/

Letter <u1~u2>

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<u1> udh oute /uː/
shu shoo sho /oː/
trugh draugh thrugh /u/
shud súd /uː/
schoolune sciúlán [ɒː] (Munster) /ɔː/→/uː/ due to preceeding <oo> /uː/
butheraan booraan bodhrán /əu/
<u2> ʊ zummer zimmer zomere /u/
yux ʒixin /i/
dug duggès dogge /ɔ/
gubbach gaubbach caboche /a/ /a/→/ɔ/→/ʊ/
luther lether /ɛ/ /ɛ/→/ʊ/ due to following <er> /iː/
kunnife knyf / /
kun cun /ʊ/
khulears coiléar /ɪ/
pucane puckawne pocán /ɔ/ /ɔ/→/ʊ/ due to following <a> /ɔː/
kuddan cadán /a/ /a/→/ʊ/ due to following <a> /ɔː/
nuggeen naigín /a/ /a/→/ʊ/ due to following <ee> /iː/
murreen mo bhron /ə.w/

Two-letters vowels


IPA /iː/, /ɪ/ & /ɛ/

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<aa> taape tipen /iː/
flaase flees /eː/
awaa awi away /æi̯/
laave lea lee leven /ɛː/ <aa>, <ea> and <ee> are interchangeable in Yola.
*maaze mize mase /aː/
grynedaane gridane gryndynge /i/
baskaate basket /ɛ/
thrashaal dhrashel Compare English dreshel /ә/
<ae> naesth neest /eː/
zwae sweyen /æi̯/
<ai> faighe fythe fai /æi̯/ Influenced by Irish <aí> /iː/
haime hime hyme hame /aː/
ɛ amain amen /ɛ/
zaid zed said /æi̯/
Zailee Zallie Compare English Sally /æ/ and Jennate /ɛ/ (Janet /æ/).
<ay> away awaa awi away /æi̯/ away=*awaay=awaa
ayth at eten /ɛː/
thay tha the þe /eː/
gayde gude good /oː/
<ea> teap tipen /iː/
hea he he /eː/
yea yee ye /ɛː/
greash grase /aː/
speate spytte /i/
maistreace mistrace maistresse /ɛ/
llean léan /eː/
ɛ hearesth harrest hervest /ɛ/
pealt peled /ɛ/ Compare English dealt /ɛ/ and Yola dellt.
peadher pedher peutre /ɛu̯/
Learry Compare English Larry /æ/
measkeen measc /a/
<ee> bee be by by /iː/
neeshte nishte neste /eː/
heereen hering /ɛː/
dezeen dozeine /æi̯/
jeeneare joynour /ui̯/
threesh trace /aː/
weel ill willen /i/
goounees goodnesse /ɛ/
halleef halluf half / /
sneesheen snisheen snaoisín /iː/
pilleen pillean /eː/
murreen mo bhrón /oː/
eeloan oileán /ɪ/
varreen fearann /ә/
Deenees Compare English Dennis /ɛ/,/ɪ/
Vinteen Compare English Finton /ә/
Qougeely Compare English Cagley / /
<ei> eatheit eatheet evetyde /iː/
heireen heereen heringe /eː/
eight ayth at eten /ɛː/
skeine skyne skayne /æi̯/
deight dighten /i/
ɛ jeist jist juste /u/ influenced by Irish ceist /ɛ/
heifteen heft /ɛ/
geint gent geinte /æi̯/
peint pint peynt /æi̯/
<ey> brandeyrons eeren brandirens /iː/
zey zee seen /eː/
eyver ever /ɛː/
pley pleye /æi̯/
haoleghey holgave
Meyleare Mylere Compare English Miler /aɪ/
Sooney Compare English Sonny /i/
<ia> hia heegh hyghe /iː/ Spelling was borrowed from Irish <ia> /iə/ and compare also Manx spelling <ia> /iː/
brian bryne brayn /æi̯/
<ie> dhrie dhree thre /eː/
kie keye /æi̯/
parieshe paryshe parisshe /i/
glies dlaoi /iː/
Thieg Tadhg /əi/
albiet albeit Compare English albeit /iː.ɪ/
<ya> bunnyane banna + een
<ye> awye awi away /æi̯/
nyeght neeght nighte /i/
rothyed rothed Similar to English /-tid,-did/, but long /iː/.
<yi> zyin zien seying /æi̯.i/
<oi> moile Cognate with English turmoil /ɔɪ/. Influenced by Irish <oí> /iː/, and compare also Yola bile (English boil).
<oy> Foyle Compare English Foyle /ɔɪ/.

IPA /ɔː/ & /ɔ/

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<aa> ɔː dhraat throate /ɔː/
aaght aught aught /au̯/
blaak bhlock blak /aː/
aam w'aam w'aum am /a/
mossaale morsel /ә/
baakooze bácús [ɒː] (Munster)
*schoolaan schoolune sciúlán [ɒː] (Munster)
caam cam /au/ (Munster)
baashes bas /a/
saalvache zalavache salach /ə/ (Munster)
Zimaan Zimoon Compare English Simon /ə/
<ae> ɔː sae zo so /ɔː/
nae no na na /ɑː/
<ao> ɔː haoleghey holghe A misspelling of <oa>, influenced by Irish <ao> /eː/.
<au> ɔː draugh throwen /ɔu̯/
caushe cauce /au̯/ /ɔːʃ/ vs /au̯s/
glaude glade /aː/
laupe leopen /øː/
caule colt /ɔ/
draugh thrugh /u/
baush bas /a/
paug póg /oː/
caubaun cábán [ɒː] (Munster)
knaugh knock cnoc /ɔ/
prasaugh prásach /ə/
ɔ kaudès kauddès kat /a/ /kɔdz/ vs /kɔːts/
lauckeen lockeen lakkynge /a/
laupeen lappeen laupe + een
gaubbach gubbach caboche /a/
caulthe called /a/ /-t/ was lost in caule (colt) /kɔːɫ/
lhaungher lengeren /ɛ/
<ua> ɔː shruanes shraanes sreang /au/ Spelling was borrowed from Irish <uá> /uːaː/.
<aw> ɔː glawmzeen glaunsyng /au̯/ Compare English glancing /ɑːn/
bawkoon bacoun /aː/
kawle colt /ɔ/
puckawne pucán [ɒː] (Munster)
ɔ lawveen leveen leven /ɛ/
<eo> ɔː heoven heoven /øː/
<oa> ɔː oan ane oon /ɔː/
zoane sand /aː/
koaver coffre /ɔ/ /ɔːv/ vs /ɔf/
erroane errone erand /a/
oaskean ashen asken /a/ Unstressed vowel in first syllable was lengthened.
eeeloan oiln [ɒː] (Munster)
poage paugh póg /oː/
Palloake Compare English Palluch /ə/
<oe> ɔː goeth goath goth /ɔː/
<oo> ɔː pooke poake poke /ɔː/
falloo falow /ɔu̯/
chisool chisal /a/
coolecannan cál ceannann [ɒː] (Munster)
cooloor colúr /ɔ/
Sooney Compare English Sonny /ɔ/
Zimoon Zimaan Compare English Simon /ə/
<ou> ɔː lous lhause lowsen /ɔu̯/
fout faute /au̯/
brough brocke braken /aː/
helbough helboge elbohe /ɔ/
brough bróg /oː/
knough knaugh knock cnoc /ɔ/
meelough milagh míleach /ə/
<ow> ɔː wullow wullaw wallowen /ɔu̯/
own ane oan oon /ɔː/

IPA /uː/ & /ʊ/

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<oo> graashoos graacuse gracious /uː/
shoo shu sho /oː/
looke lhuck luk /u/
coolane cúlán /uː/
booraan butheraan bodhrán /əu/
<ou> houze house /uː/ /huːz/ vs /haʊs/
boust bost /ɔː/ Cognate with Scots boost, boust
coulaan cúlán /uː/
ʊ slouveen sloven /u/
stouck stuckeen stock /ɔ/
coureate correate karette /a/
clouk cloch /ɔ/
<ow> howze houze /uː/ /huːz/ vs /haʊs/
owze wosen /oː/
nowd cnúdán /uː/
<ow> ʊ cowlee colee /ɔ/ Compare Cullin (Collin).
lownnick lounnick lond /ɔː/
<eu> streu strove /ɔːv/
aneure anure anooree
<ue> tuesdei tusedei tiwesday /u̯/
vartue vertu /u̯/
<ew> Brewne Brune Broun /uː/
strew stre strew /ɛu̯/
crewst cruste /u/
<we> crwest cruste /u/
<uu> ʊ duucks duke /u/

Three-letters vowels


IPA /iː/

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<aai> faaighe fythe faith /æi̯/
Baailey Báille /aː/ Spelling was influenced by Irish <ái>
<aay> thaay thye þay /æi̯/
kaayle kal /aː/
<aie> praie pry praien /æi̯/
daie die day /æi̯/
<aye> thaye thye þay /æi̯/
<eaa> heaaven heaven /ɛː/ Spelling was influenced by Irish <eá> /aː/
<eea> neeat naate nate net /ɛː/ Compare Manx spelling <eea> /iː/
<eee> Eeerish Irish /iː/
vezeeen vizeen
eeeloan eelone iloan oileán /ɪ/
<eei> keeine keene kyne kyne /iː/ Compare Manx spelling <eei> /iː/
weeireth wereth /ɛː/
yeeit yie it
<eie> Weiesforde Weiseford
<eye> keyen keene kyne kyne /iː/
pitheye pethy pite /eː/
<iee> grieend griende grynden /iː/
ieen een eyen /æi̯/
dieeght deight dighten /i/
<yee> wyeene weend wynd /iː/
<uee> buee b /iː/ Spelling was influenced by Irish <uí> /iː/.
<uye> buye bye bey /æi̯/
<oee> ɔ joee joye /ɔi̯/
<oye> ɔ joyes joye /ɔi̯/

IPA /ɔː/

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<aau> ɔː gaaume gaame gaume game /aː/ <aau> is a compatible form of <aa> and <au>
saaughe sách /ɔː/ (Munster)
Bugaaune Compare English Boggan /ә/
<aua> ɔː Jauane Jaane
<uaa> ɔː shruaanès shruanes shraanes sreang /au/ Spelling was influenced by Irish <uá> /uːaː/.
<awe> ɔː mawen mawn moan
tawest taaste taste /aː/
bawen bán /ɔː/ (Munster)
<oau> ɔː dhoaugh dowgh /ɔu̯/ <oau> is a compatible form of <oa> and <au>
<ooa> ɔː cooat wazcoote coat cote /ɔː/ <ooa> is a compatible form of <oo> and <oa>
cooan koan kon can /a/

IPA /uː/

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<eeu> Deeule Dubhghall /ʊwə/
vleeu vleu vlew flew /ɛu̯/ <eeu> is a duplicate form of <eu>
<eew> sneew snow /ɔu̯/
<ewe> vewe vew fewe /ɛu̯/
<eou> heouse houze howze hous /uː/
geou gude good /oː/
keough cough /ɔu̯/
<eow> sneow sneew snow /ɔu̯/
deowne doun /uː/
*Breown Brewne Broune Broun /uː/ <eow> is a compatible form of <ew> & <ow>
<ooe> blooeden blooden blood /o:/
<oou> gooude gude good /oː/
knoouledge knowleche /ɔu̯/
boouchel bokel /u/
boouchelawn bouchalawn buachalán /uә/
<oow> winnooween wyndowynge /ɔu̯/
<oue> harroue harrowe /ɔu̯/
<owe> nowe neow nou /uː/
lowem lomb /ɔː/
snowe sneow snow /ɔu̯/
blowe blowen /ɔu̯/ Rhymes with kewe /uː/
<ouw> crouw crowe crowe /ɔu̯/

Vowels with unetymological <y,i>

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<auy> ɔː blauyke blauke blaken /aː/ Spelling was influenced by Irish <ái> /aː/ & <ói> /oː/
blauyeen blayeen
<oui> pouingaan poumgaam Spelling was influenced by Irish <úi> /uː/
<ooy> booyren
<uoy> buoyren
<iau> jɔː riaught reicht right /i/ Spelling was influenced by Irish <iá> /iː.aː/ and <ió> /iː.oː/
<yau> jɔː ryaught reicht right /i/
<yaa> jɔː Willyaam Wyllhaume William /i.a/

Four-letters vowels

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<aaye> thaaye thye þei /æi̯/
raaye rathe /aː/ /ɾiː/ vs /ɾeɪð/
<eeou> . Peeougheen Compare English Pugh /juː/
<eeoo> . leeoon lyoun /iːuː/
<eioo> . leioon lyoun /iːuː/
<eiou> . leiough leigh
<ieou> . kotlieough cotleough
<eoue> reoue rooe rewe /ɛu̯/
<eouw> keouw keow cou /uː/
<eowe> keowe kewe khow
<oowe> croowe crouw crowe /ɔu̯(ə)/
<aawe> ɔː zaawe sawe /au̯/
<auaa> ɔː Jauaan Jauane Jaane <auaa> is a compatible form of <au> and <aa>

Vowels with -r(e)


IPA /ɔː/

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<or> ɔː or o' or /ɔr/
besmorth bi smeored /œr/
torches tarche /ar/
shor share /aːr/
Furlorn Furloan Furlong
<ore> ɔː more mo' more /ɔr(ə)/
Hore Horsloan Hore /ɔːr/
galore go leor /oːɾˠ/
<orr> ɔː gorr gors /ɔr/
<oar> ɔː noardth nordh north /ɔr/
loard lord /ɔːr/
coardhed cuardaigh /uəɾˠ/
<oare> ɔː thoare thore /ɔːr/
<oer> ɔː oer over /ɔː.ər/ Compare English o'er /ɔː/, /ˈəʊ.ə/
<oor> ɔː hoornta hornta hornd /ɔr/
<our> ɔː lournagh lorn /ɔːr/
vour vour /ɔu̯r/
courmach carthanach /aɾˠ/
<oure> ɔː voure vour /ɔu̯r/
<owr> ɔː owr oer over /ɔː.ər/
<owre> ɔː vowre vour /ɔu̯r/
<eor> ɔː steor starr steorre /œr/
eord eorthe /øːr/
<ar> ɔː ar or o' or /ɔr/
varty vorty vourty /ɔu̯r/
parshagh passyf /a/ /pɔːʃ-/ vs /pɑːs-/ & /paɾs-/
barlich baarich barlich /ar/
har harr har /ar/
war ware /aːr/ (were)
aagar eger /ər/
neckarès necke kever /ər/
bargher boagher bóthar /oː/
garson gorson garsún /ɑɾˠ/
barnaugh bairneach /ɑːɾˠ/
harnothes Compare English hognut /ɔ/
<are> ɔː avare avar avore /ɔːr(ə)/
gudevare vare /aːr(ə)/
ware ware /aːr(ə)/ (were)
poplare Compare yola, yolaw
<arr> ɔː sarrth zarth sarved /ar/ <arr> is always /ɔː/
<aar> ɔː shaar shar shor share /aːr/
thaar thoare thare /aːr/
maarkeet markeat market /ar/
labstaar lobstar /ar/ Compare starr
<aare> ɔː saareth sarrth zarth sarved /ar/
thaare thoare thare /aːr(ə)/
ee-waare ware /aːr(ə)/ Rhymes with shaure
<aure> ɔː shaure shorne schar /ar/
caure care /aːr(ə)/

IPA /iː/

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<er> lhaungher lengeren /ər/ /ɛ/→/ɔ/ due to following <er> /iː/, compare lawveen & leveen.
luther lether /ər/ /ɛ/→/ʊ/ due to following <er> /iː/
*vider vidie vidy fidi whider /ər/ Yola <-r> is silent after /iː/, even <-l> was sometimes lost after /iː/, see litha, lythea (little).
*gager gagee gauger /ər/
vallert value /iu̯/ Compare West English vallee /iː/
yer ye your /uːr/
ercha eachy ech /ɛː/
erth erthe /ɛːr/
livertie liberte /ɛr/
mistern *misteen mistynge /i/
boagher bóthar /əɾˠ/
Kerwaane Compare English Kirwan /ɜː/
<ere> zhoulthered sholthet
fadere wad / / Compare gooudee /iː/
were wer were /ɛːr(ə)/
curthere quartere /eːr/
geinere joynour /uːr/
vigere vigure /iu̯r(ə)/
<ear> earchee eachy ech /ɛː/
gearded geet /ɛː/
vear ferde fere /ɛːr/
fearse fers /eːr/
hearth herte /ɛr/
Dearmoth Diarmaid /iəɾˠ/
slaugheardhès slogaire /əɾˠ/
bearde Compare English beard /ɪə/
<eare> jeeneare geinere joynour /uːr/
ghurteare gartere /eːr/
sheare shere /ɛːr(ə)/
dhresheare thresshere /ər(ə)/
<eer> aulaveer agyther
neer near
liveer Compare English liefer /ə/
<eere> wurgheere bhoilg Compare gooudee /iː/
<eear> geearth gearded geet /ɛː/
<eyer> feyer feyre /æi̯r/
<ar> *arte ete art /ar/ Compare Scots airt /ert/
moothar moother moder /ər/ Spelling was influnced by Irish, compare bóthar /əɾˠ/.
Barke Bake Baak Beak
Barlough Bearlough
<are> fare vear'd fearen /ɛːr/
Milchare Melchere
<aar> haar here her /ɛːr/ Compare English here /hɪː/ (General Australian)
haar hair /æi̯r/ Compare English hair /heː/ (General Australian)
baar *bear ber beren /ɛːr/ Compare English bear /beː/ (General Australian)
<aare> aare iree aire /æi̯r/ Compare English air /eː/ (General Australian)
waare were weeireth weren /ɛːr/
<ir> ɪɾ skir skee sky /iː/
virst vrist first /ir/
<ire> Irelonde Erelhoan Irlond /iːr/
<ier> vier vire vir /i:r/
sthiers steire /æi̯r/
<yre> chyre chayre /æi̯r(ə)/
<yer> wyer vier ver /ɛːr/

IPA /ʊɾ/ & /uːɾ/

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<ur> ʊɾ gurth goot /ɔː/
gurt grut grot /rɔ/
gurl gurle /ur/ Compare English gurl /ʊɹ/
burge brugge /ru/
curneale cornel /ɔr/
ghurteare garter /ar/
kurkeen *cruaichín /ɾˠu/
wurgheere bhoilg /ʊl̪ˠ/
ɾ naatur nature /u̯r/
coshur cóisir /əɾʲ/
<ure> ɾ kerchure kercher /eːr/
<or> ɾ mor mor /oːr/
<ore> ɾ nipore neypur /ur/
<oor> ɾ oor ure oure /uːr/
shoorth shurte /ur/
cooloor colure colúr /uːɾˠ/
<oore> ɾ oore ure oure /uːr/
<our> ʊɾ dhourk durk durk /ur/
ɾ our ure oure /uːr/
<oure> ɾ oure ure oure /uːr/
<ourr> ʊɾ spourr spourre /ur/
<owre> ɾ owre ure oure /uːr/

Consonant Pronunciation


One-letter Consonants

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<b> b bawkoon bacoun /b/
Beedher Peedher Peter /p/
baakooze bácús /bˠ/
benagh biorach /bʲ/
<c> k bawcoon bawkoon bacoun /k/
coolecannan cál ceannann /k.c/
s laace laase lace /s/ /lɔːs/ not /lɔːʃ/
zince synnes /s/
avancet avaunced /s/
danceen dauncynge /s/
ʃ graacuse graashoos gracious /sj/
<d> d die day /d/
del tell til /t/
detch thacchen /θ/
videl viþele /ð/
eord eorðe /ð/
Dearmoth Diarmaid /dʲ/
<f> f fest hist fest /f/
fowe how how /h/
fidi vidy whider /ʍ/
gnafeen gnaȝen /x/
fong thong /θ/
faulsa falsa /fˠ/
fungerlagh mungarlach /mˠ/
<g> ɡ gaame game /g/
gaubbach caboche /k/
gorson garsún /g/
gidhaan geadán /ɟ/
d͡ʒ gendrize gentryse /d͡ʒ/
gist juste /d͡ʒ/
gimlie chymeney /t͡ʃ/
<h> h hea h' he /h/
<j> d͡ʒ jeineare joynour /d͡ʒ/
<k> k koan cooan cane /k/
aake ake /k/
slouk slugge /g/ unaspirated [k]
klouk cloch /k/, /x/
kippeens cipín /c/
khuingoke cuinneóg /g/ unaspirated [k]
<l> l londe lond /l/
lug log /l̪ˠ/
ɫ lethel lythea litel /l/ The loss of <l> shows its darkness.
gandelt gandet
albeit abeit al be it /l/
coolecannan l ceannann /lˠ/
<m> m amain amen /m/
cowm comb /mb/
amach amach /mˠ/
measkeen measc /mʲ/
soumissive Compare English submissive /bm/
<n> n naame name /n/
greoun ground /nd/
drine drynge /ng/
nitheen knyttynge /kn/
nuggeen naigín /n̪ˠ.nʲ/
nowd cnúdán /kn/
shraanes sreang /ŋɡ/
harnothes Compare English hognut, /g/ was lost in <gn>.
<p> p Peether Beedher Peter /p/ unaspirated [p]
graapish graabache garbage /b/
poage póg /pˠ/
peacawn péacán /pʲ/
<q> k quiel ghiel unaspirated [k]
Qougeely Compare English Cagley /k/
<r> ɾ Mureesh Compare English Maurice /-ɹiːs/
ee-runt ee-rent i-rent /r/ /ɾʊn/≈/ɾɛn/
rocke wrek /wr/
hearesth hervest /rv/
baarich barlich barlich /l/ L-colored <r>
booraan bodhrán /ɾˠ/
Parick Compare Manx Parick /ɾ/
niztrols nizterels There is a minor stop in /t.r/ and /d.r/.
hindreth hundereth
<s> z daies daiez dayes /s/
laas lawes /s/ compare belooze /-lɔːz/ (bellows)
chems chippes /s/
zins sonnes /s/
baagchoosee baakoozee
s laase laace lase /s/ /lɔːs/ not /lɔːz/
lhose lass les /s/
valse faulss fals /s/
coshes coshe conscience /s/
faulsa falsa /sˠ/
prasaugh prassaugh prásach /sˠ/
saalvache zalavache salach /sˠ/ Although with Z-variant, initial s- is faithfully /s/, compare prasaugh & prassaugh.
usquebaugh uisce beatha /ʃ/
<t> t tell del til /t/ unaspirated [t]
maate maade made /d/
trugh draugh thrugh /θ/
eart eard earþe /ð/
t͡ʃ naatur natur /ti/ /i/ merged with preceeding /t/, and /u̯/ was lengthed to /uː/.
tusedei tiwesday /ti/
ʃ portion porcioun /sj/ Compare fashoon (from facioun)
<v> v vaaper vapour /v/
vish wisshen /w/
vifteen fiftene /f/
livertie liberte /b/
vrieste priesth prest /p/
brover brother /ð/
sleeveen slíbhín /vʲ/
a voorneen amhúirnín /vʲ/
varreen fearann /fʲ/
<w> w wut wit /w/
wyer vier veir /v/
brower brother /ð/
Kerwaane Ciardhubháin /w/
kwingokee cuinneog / /
<u> w quo quoth /w/
quingokee kwingokee cuinneog / /
<x> ks vox fox /ks/
<y> j yith yif /j/
<z> z howze houze /z/
blaze blase /z/
mizen myxen /ks/
baakooze bácús /s/

Two-letters Consonants

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<bb> b gaubbach caboche /b/
bibber biveren /v/
<bh> b bhlock blaak blak /b/ A "lenition" borrowed from Irish <bh> /w/~/v/
<ch> t͡ʃ mycheare mitcheare mycher /t͡ʃ/
graabache garbage /d͡ʒ/
k buch bukke /k/
malaunchly malencolie /k/
huch huck
amach ammache amach /x/ /x/ was fortified to /k/ after /ɔː/
*clouch clouk klouk cloch /x/
/ nich nighe /x/
<ck> k bhlock blaak blak /k/
slouck slugge /g/ unaspirated [k]
knockane knagane cnocán /k/
carrick carraig /ɟ/ (Munster)
<dd> d scuddeen Compare English scudding /d/
smaddereen smattrynge /t/
<dh> d dhew dew /d/ A "lenition" borrowed from Irish <dh> /ɣ/~/ʝ/~/ /, compare also Irish English omadhaun /d/. Despite its spelling, <dh> is never /ð/, /ð/ only exists in th.
pidh pideff pit putten /t/
dhunder dunder thonder /θ/
nodhing nothyng /θ/
nordh north /θ/
gidhaan geadán /d̪ˠ/
<ff> f doff daf doffen /f/
pideff putteth /θ/
<fh> f fhyne fyn /f/ A "lenition" borrowed from Irish <fh> / /
fho fo vo who /ʍ/
<ge> d͡ʒ burge brugge /d͡ʒ/
ɡ plaauge plage /g(ə)/
poage poag g /g/
<gg> ɡ craggès cragges /g/
noggeen naigín /ɟ/
<gh> ɡ ghurteare gurteare garter /g/ A "lenition" borrowed from Irish <gh> /ɣ/~/ /
maghogès maggota magot /g/
brough brocke breoken /k/
dhoaugh doaug dough /x/ /x/ was fortified to /g/ after /ɔː/
paugh poag paug g /g/
knough knock knagane cnoc /k/
milagh meelough míleach /x/ /-əx/ → /-ɔːx/ → /-ɔːg/
usquebaugh uisce beatha /h/ /-ah/ → /-ɔːh/ → /-ɔːg/
f chugh chuffe /f/
rugh rugh /x/
pussough pursyf /f/
parshagh passyf /f/
/ heigh hie hia heigh /x/ Like English, etymological <-gh> is silent after /iː/, /uː/.
pleough plowe plou plough /x/
wough wu wue The silent <-gh> is a writing habit in Yola.
draugh drowe thrawen
managh meana
<gn> n gnafeen gnaȝen /gn/
<gt> kt lhygt ligt /xt/ Compare deligkt
<jh> d͡ʒ jhimes jimes A "lenition" based on <j> /d͡ʒ/
<kh> k khyne keene kyne /k/ A "lenition" based on <k> /k/
khoal coale cold /k/
baakhooses baakooze cús /k/
<kk> k pikkès pick pikke /k/
<kn> n knouth nouth knowen /kn/
kneen kne /kn/ To sound /k/, insert a silent <o>, as in konnee.
knaughaan o'noghanes cnocán /kn̪/
<lh> l lhawn lowem lomb /l/ A "lenition" based on <l> /l/
lhug lug log /l̪ˠ/
ɫh aalhouse alehous /l.h/
<ll> l lloan lone lond /l/
llean léan /lʲ/
ɫ mell mellen /l/
<mh> m mhyne myne mayn /m/ A "lenition" borrowed from Irish <mh> /w/~/v/
<mm> m zimmer sumer /m/
ammache amach amach /mˠ/
<ng> n ing in in /n/
zung zunge /ng/
ɲ khuingoke cuinneóg /nʲ/
bringawn brine bryne /n/
ŋɡ vinger fynger [ŋg]
fungerlagh mungarlach [ŋg]
swingale Compare English swindle /nd/
<nn> n konnee kne /n/
coolecannan cál ceannann /n̪ˠ/
<ph> f phen fan whenne /ʍ/
<pp> p pipper peper /p/
kippeens cipín /p/
<rh> ɾ rhyme reem reme /r/ A "lenition" based on <r> /ɾ/
<rr> ɾ *varrer valler farrer /r/
varreen fearann /ɾˠ/
sarree Compare English sirree /səˈɹiː/ vs /saˈɾiː/
<sc> sk scoth scurte /sk/
Scalaane Scealláin /ʃc/
<sh> ʃ bushe bush /ʃ/
barish barich barlich /t͡ʃ/
graapish graabache garbage /d͡ʒ/
threesh trace /s/
fash fas /s/
tyshe tesen /z/
fashoon facioun /sj/
beteesh beteesk bitwixe /ks/
shud siúd /ʃ/
bash bas /sˠ/
<sk> sk skoorth scurte /sk/
betweesk bitwixe /ks/
muskawn meascán /sˠk/
<sp> sp speen spenden /sp/
gosp gossippe /s.p/
<ss> s ess asse /s/
goss gors /rs/
pussough pursyf /rs/
<st> st *Crest Cresst Crist /st/
ayenst ayenes /s/
ʃ fausteen fousteen fash + een fasynge /s/ Similar to English fasten /s/
<th> t thaaste taaste tawest taste /t/ A "lenition" borrowed from Irish th /h~ç/
zathardei zatherdei zeterday /t/
Thieg Tadhg /t̪ˠ/
Dearmoth Diarmaid /dʲ/
Weisforthe Weiseforde
Forth Rhymes with comfoort
θ eeth eeefe ethe /θ/
yith if yif /f/
thif siflen /s/
thrashaal dhrashel Compare English thrashel & dreshel
ð that th' y'at at that /ð/
agyther aulaveer
smithered smiodar /d/ Compare English smithereens /ð/
/ goeth goe gon Verbal <-th> is silent after /ɔ:/
*quoth quo co quoth /θ/
*raythe raaye rathe /ð/ /-ð/ was lost after /iː/, /uː/
*smooth smoo smothe /ð/
butheraan booraan bodhrán / / Can be seen as early /buːðˈɾɔːn/, then /ð/ was dropped after /uː/. If spelled *budheraan, it would remain /buːdˈɾɔːn/.
scoth scoth /(h)/ <-th> is silent after /ɔ:/
<tt> t butteree buttry /t/
<wh> w which wich which /ʍ/
w'had w'ad waad
<zh> ʒ zhip ship /ʃ/ Compare Irish slender <z> /ʒ/
<zp> zb zpeen spenden /sp/
gozp godzibbe /z.b/
<zt> zd ztaared stared /st/
nizterels nosethirl /s.θ/
gazt gased /z.d/
<zz> z vezzeen vezeeen Compare English fizzing /z/

Three-letters Consonants

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<cht> t reicht reights right /xt/
t͡ʃt surchte serche /tʃ/
<ckk> k pickkès pikkès pikkes /k/
<ckt> kt knockt knokked /k.d/
<ddh> d giddhawn gidhaan geadán /d̪ˠ/
<dge> d͡ʒ bidge biggen /d͡ʒ/
<dth> t aferdth afear'd afered /d/ A "lenition" developed from Irish dt /d̪ˠ/, /dʲ/
godth got got /t/
noardth nordh north /θ/
<gch> k baagchoosee baakoosee A "lenition" developed from Irish <gc> /g/, /ɟ/
<ght> t eight at ayth eten /t/
<gkh> k teigkh teight teiȝte /xt/
<gkt> kt bougkt iboukt /kt/
thaugkt thought /xt/
<gue> ɡ plaague plage /g/
brogue brough bróg /g/
<llh> l Wyllhaume Willyaam Wilyame Willame /l/ A "lenition" based on <ll> /l/
<sch> sk scholleare scholer /sk/
schoolune sciúlán /ʃc/
<shp> ʃp reeshp rieshp rishp rispen /sp/
<sht> ʃt neeshte neste /st/
Mushtoun Compare English Muchtown /t͡ʃt/
<sst> st Cresst Crist /st/
<sth> st kisth *kessed kiste /st/ A "lenition" based on <st> /st/
vrosth vrast vrost /st/
dansth danced /s.d/
stholk stalket stalken /st/
ʃ fousthen fash +‎ -een fasynge /s/ Similar to English fasten /s/
<tch> t͡ʃ kotch cacchen /t͡ʃ/
<tth> t Whitthe Whit White /t/

Four-letters Consonants

Vowels IPA Yola Variant MiddleEnglish Irish Notes
<ckht> kt nickht knicht /xt/
<ghth> t eighthest etest /t/ A "lenition" based on <ght> /t/
<thth> t buththere butter /t/ A "lenition" based on tt /t/

Rhyme Examination


The lines of Yola poems rhyme at the end.



Well, gosp, c'hull be zeid; mot thee fartoo, an fade; /ɔːd/

Ha deight ouse var gabble, tell ee zin go t'glade. [homophone glaude] /ɔːd/

Yith Muzleare had ba hole, t'was mee Tommeen, /iːn/

At by mizluck was ee-pit t'drive in. /iːn/

Joud an moud vrem earchee ete was ee Lough. /ɔː/

Zitch vaperreen, an shimmereen, fan ee-daff ee aar scoth! /ɔː/

Zitch blakeen, an blayeen, fan ee ball was ee-drowe! /uː/

Chote well aar aim was t’yie ouz n’eer a blowe. /uː/

Yith w'had any lhuck, oor naame wode b' zung, /uːn/

Vrem ee Choure here aloghe up to Cargun. /uːn/

Zim dellen harnothès w'aar nize ee reed cley: /iː/

More trolleen, an yalpeen, an moulteen away. /iː/

Up caame ee ball, an a dap or a kewe, /uː/

Wode zar; mot, all arkagh var ee barnaugh-blowe, /uː/



Aar was a gooude puddeen maate o bran; /ɔːn/

Aar was pizzeen, an beanès, an barich amang. /ɔːn/

Aar was Thieg, an' Joane, an lhaung Jauane, /ɔːn/

An a priesth o' parieshe on his lhaung-tyel garraane. /ɔːn/

Aar was Parick o Dearmoth, an dhen score besidh, /iːd/

Wee aar lhaung vlealès an pikkès, to waaite apan a breede. /iːd/

An a priesth o parieshe on his garrane baun, /ɔːn/

Hea marreet dear Phielim to his sweet Jauane. /ɔːn/

Aar was lhaung kaayle an nettles, ee-mixt wee prasaugh buee, /iː/

Maade a nicest coolecannan that e'er ye did zee. /iː/

Aar was a muskawn o buthther ee-laaide apan hoat shruaanès, /ɔːnz/

An gooude usquebaugh ee-sarith uth in cooanès. /ɔːnz/

Raree met in plathearès, ee-zet in a rooe, /uː/

An neeat wooden trenshoorès var whiter than snow. /uː/

Zoo wough aul vell a-danceen; earch bye gae a poage /ɔːg/

To his sweethearth, an smack lick a dab of a brough. /ɔːg/

Zoo wough kisth, an wough parthet; earch man took his laave; /iːv/

An a boor lithel breedegroom waithed wonderfullee griefte. /iːɸt/

Zoo wough aul returnth hime, contented an gaay, /iː/

To our pleoughès an mulk-pylès till a neeshte holy die. /iː/



[Wee] vaate apan vaate a met-borde was ee-halt. /aɫt/

Tibbès an crockès wee drink war ee-felt. /ɛɫt/

Amang wefty jhemes, 'cha jeist ee-rid apan. [vr. apaa] /ɔːn/

A laafe ing lemethes chote wel ta ba zang. /ɔːn/

Ayenst zim vartful ropeare at a rumcht ouse avar /ɔː/

Ingsaury neileare (pidh?) his niz outh o' harr. /ɔː/

Adee ! well zide, stuggoone, an thee raste o' graabache. /ɔːt͡ʃ/

Go gaame abuth Forth, thou unket saalvache. /ɔːk/

Heal, griue, an kin, apaa thee, graacuse Forth, /ɸɔːt/

Mye thee friend ne’re waant welcome, nor straayart comfoort. /ɸɔːt/

Risheenearès! Leth aam gaame wee aar barish-amang, /ɔːn/

At ye mye ne'er be wooveless ta vill a lear jock an cooan. /ɔːn/



Ye nyporès aul, come hark to mee, /iː/

Faade ee-happen'd mee lauthest GooudeVreedie, /iː/

As ich waant draugh Bloomere's Knough, /ɔːg/

Ich zide [a] vethers o' mee cuck, /ʊk/

Aar was nodhing ee-left mot a heade, /iːd/

Which maate mee hearth as coale as leed, /iːd/

'Cham afear'd ich mosth cress a Shanaan, /anɔːn/

An lea a pariesh o Kilmannan. /anɔːn/

Zimaan Haay is a wicked man, /an/

Hea pryet ich mought na ha chicke or hen, /ɛn/

Mizluck mye lhygt on Tam Busheare /iː/

Hea zed mee cuck vlew in a aare /iː/



Ich aam a vat hog it's drue. Aar is ken apan aam. /ɔːm/

Gooude var nat oan dhing, niether treesh ar thraame [vr. thraume] /ɔːm/

Na speen to be multh, nar flaase to be shaure. /ɔː/

Vear'd nodhing mot Portheare, Na skeine e'er ee-waare. /ɔː/

A plaauge apan Portheare! Hea'de luther me waal, /ɔːɫ/

Beteesh a kraaneberry-bushe an a ellena-ghou. /ɔː/



Aar was a clouk /ʊk/

Eee-marreet a slouck. /ʊk/

Shoo zent him o' die. /iː/

To maake a kuingokee. /iː/

A vursth stroke hea strooke. /ɔːk/

A bothom vele udh. /uːd/

Duggès an kauddès coome lick up a rhyme, /ɾiːm/

Hea took up a lounnick, an knockt udh aar bryne. /ɾiːn/

Shoo zent him anoor die a gozleen to keep. /iːp/

Hea shet his heade in a bushe, an vele aslepe. /iːp/

A scalte croowe coome an taak aam awye, /iː/

An hea zet up a pouingaan an a cry. /iː/



Themost wi egges an heimost wi thick, /tɪk/

Fan a truckle ee zhoulthered too nigh upa ditch. /dɪt͡ʃ/

Shu ztaared an shu ztudied hi near parshagh moan, /mɔːn/

Shu ztaared, clappu her baashes an up wi punaan, /nɔːn/

Zien, a blaak vall, a blaak vall, Ich meigh vella knew, /uː/

Van a vierd durst a bargher an a haar galshied too, /uː/

In durk Ich red virst mee left-vooted shoe. /uː/

"Swingale," co the umost, "thou liest well a rent, /ɛnt/

A big daal a masled, slavaak an a kernt. /iːnt/



Wu canna gow to Ilone vaar, /iː/

Thaar's no own aal to taak uz thaar [vr. thoare] /ɔː/

Or i a vaarin gees a shaar, /ɔː/



Billeen Scalaane an hys yola moan, /ɔːn/

Thaay heighed upa Buckeen twi hours avar dawn, /ɔːn/

"Faad thay goul ez upa thee, thou stouk" co Billeen, /iːn/

"If thou dinna gow on, chul daf thee yola skien." /iːn/

Co Sooney, "Billeen dowst thee zee faads lewer, /iː/

Aal haar, an wi eyen lik torches o tar? /ɔː/



Yola Vather Deruse hay raree cam thoare, /ɔː/

Wi buke an wi candale hay tackled a paare. /iː/

"Gud bless thee mee gurles," hay zaid, "own an aal." /ɔːɫ/

An Paudeen hay ga her a mighty smugal. /ɔːɫ/

Thar was bacoon and gubbages, breed and kippeens, /iːnz/

An potteen galore in cans and noggens, /iːnz/

A vidler hay shudled wi hade to a vall /ɔːɫ/

An smithered hays videl, bow, strings an al; /ɔːɫ/