Russian quotations


Thank you for attempting to add quotes, but all of your contributions are breaking the formatting in Wiktionary pages, and the English translations of the quotations are in many cases unnatural and/or wrong. So your contributions are just adding work for everyone else who needs to clean up after your edits. First of all, before adding any more quotations, please read the documentation for the quote-book template. Second, if you cannot translate from Russian to English, don't translate! Do not use machine translation. Do not translate word by word: even if you ignore idiomatic expressions, Russian and English have quite different word orders. Instead, leave the translation blank so that a human being who understands the two languages would do it. Tetromino (talk) 16:38, 14 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

@Tetromino: Thanks for noticiing. On top of that, even decent translations are not following correct formatting. I am reverting all edits. --Anatoli T. (обсудить/вклад) 00:08, 15 September 2020 (UTC)Reply
@Tetromino: BTW, if you think any of the examples are worth salvaging, pls check the edit history and pls use the proper formatting, including stress mark and tabulations. --Anatoli T. (обсудить/вклад) 00:15, 15 September 2020 (UTC)Reply
You should stop editing before you learn to do it properly (you can test in any sandbox, including your talk page). There are many example with quotes, or usage examples. diff or diff are not good enough. Last warning before I block you! --Anatoli T. (обсудить/вклад) 09:27, 16 September 2020 (UTC)Reply
Good afternoon. This is the user. I did not mean to put you into a rage, but I am not very good at formatting. I just cannot do it properly, no matter how hard I try. What I need is perhaps a little help. Also, translating is a bit of a hard work for me. But at that, I do my best. I think twice before I translate each sentence. I don't use machine translation, but rather online dictionaries, including Wiktionary. Goodbye. With respect, Native Russian Speaker. — This unsigned comment was added by Native Russian Speaker (talkcontribs).
@Native Russian Speaker Well, first of all, if it's not working, you don't push it, since it looks ugly and incomplete. People start with small things before they can do complex things.
Some templates are not easy. In {{quote-book}} you can find some documentation.
Let's look at how the quotation you tried to add at спасти́ (spastí) can be done - my way and your way (fixed)
1981, Влади́мир Желе́зников (Vladímir Želéznikov), Чу́чело (Čúčelo) [Scarecrow]:
Его́ ножо́м по́ сердцу резану́ло ― так захоте́лось ей помо́чь, так бесконе́чно захоте́лось её спасти́, ― он бро́сился к не́й.
Jevó nožóm pó serdcu rezanúlo ― tak zaxotélosʹ jej pomóčʹ, tak beskonéčno zaxotélosʹ jejó spastí, ― on brósilsja k néj.
He felt as if someone slashed his heart with a knife - so great was his desire to help her, so endless was his desire to save her, - he dashed towards her.
1981, Vladimir Zheleznikov, Чучело:
Его ножом по сердцу резануло ― так захотелось ей помочь, так бесконечно захотелось ее спасти, ― он бросился к ней.
Jevo nožom po serdcu rezanulo ― tak zaxotelosʹ jej pomočʹ, tak beskonečno zaxotelosʹ jeje spasti, ― on brosilsja k nej.
He felt as if someone slashed his heart with a knife - so great was his desire to help her, so endless was his desire to save her, - he dashed towards her.
All open brackets must be closed, each parameter should be checked. The book was published in 1981, not 1886. Author's name is Vladimir, not Valdimir. --Anatoli T. (обсудить/вклад) 12:17, 16 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

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