Wall-Sun-Sun prime


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Named after American mathematician Donald Dines Wall and Chinese mathematicians Sun Zhihong and Sun Zhiwei, who have all contributed to the study of such primes.



Wall-Sun-Sun prime (plural Wall-Sun-Sun primes)

  1. (number theory) A (hypothetical) prime number   such that   divides  , where   is the Fibonacci sequence and   is the  th Pisano period (the period length of the Fibonacci sequence reduced modulo  ).
    Synonym: Fibonacci-Wieferich prime
    Wall-Sun-Sun primes are conjectured to exist, but no example has yet been found.
    • 1996, Richard E. Crandall, Topics in Advanced Scientific Computation, Springer, page 113:
      Not a single Wall-Sun-Sun prime   exists [McIntosh 1995]. Carry out a search for Wall-Sun-Sun primes somewhere above this limit.
    • 2020, Dorin Andrica, Ovidiu Bagdasar, Recurrent Sequences, Springer, page 88:
      Crandall et al. called in [56] such a prime number   satisfying   a Wall–Sun–Sun prime. There is no known example of a Wall–Sun–Sun prime and the congruence  , can only be checked through explicit powering computations.

Usage notes

  • Definition (slightly expanded):
    • Consider the Fibonacci sequence  . For any prime number  , reducing the sequence modulo   produces a periodic sequence. The period length of the reduced sequence is called the  th Pisano period, denoted  . Since  , it follows that  .
    • A Wall-Sun-Sun prime is a prime number   such that  .
  • Alternative definitions:
    • Denote by   the rank of apparition modulo   (the smallest   such that  ). For prime  , it is known that  , where   is the Legendre symbol. Then:
      • A prime   is a Wall-Sun-Sun prime if and only if  .
      • A prime   is a Wall-Sun-Sun prime if and only if  .
      • A prime   is a Wall-Sun-Sun prime if and only if  .
      • A prime   is a Wall-Sun-Sun prime if and only if  , where   is the  th Lucas number.



See also


Further reading
