



From a- +‎ minded.



aminded (comparative more aminded, superlative most aminded)

  1. (obsolete) Minded; disposed; inclined.
    • 1571, William Fulke, A confutation of a Popiſhe, and ſclaunderous libelle, in foꝛme of an apologie: [] , London: Iohn Kingston for William Iones, page 26:
      [] but the beleuers of this oure late reformed Churche are not come to that perfection, nor yet are aminded ſo to doe.
    • 1603, Richard Knolles, The generall historie of the Turkes, page 769:
      For that he was aminded to reuenge the injutie done vnto him, and by force of armes to defend himſelfe: for what elſe had he now left?
    • 1617, Johannes Sleidanus, The Key of Hiſtorie, London:  [] M. Fleſher, for Wiliam Sheeres, page 74:
      Philip King of Macedon, he whom I formerly ſpoke of, [] was aminded to renew the warre; []