Middle English edit

Verb edit


  1. simple past/past participle of anen

Welsh edit

Verb edit


  1. Soft mutation of ganed.

Usage notes edit

A mutated form of the literary ganed (=ganwyd) meaning "was born" (the past impersonal form of geni, coming from the stem gan- and the past impersonal suffix -wyd/-ed).

The passive equivalent, which is the most common construction in everyday spoken Welsh, uses cael + verbal noun: e.g. Ces i fy ngeni yn Ne Cymru (lit. "I got my birthing in South Wales"), cafodd ei eni, etc.


  • Fe'm ganed - "I was born"
  • Dyn a aned … - "a person who was born …"
  • From the Messiah: Bachgen a aned drosom ni - "A child who was born for our sakes"

Mutation edit

Welsh mutation
radical soft nasal aspirate
ganed aned nganed unchanged
Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.