



arterwards (not comparable)

  1. (archaic) Pronunciation spelling of afterwards.
    • 1892, F. Anstey, The Talking Horse[1]:
      Soon arterwards, a day or two as it might be, Mrs. Rummles 'ad 'er mar a-stayin' with her, and the old lady slep in that very room, and was laid up weeks!
    • 1866, George Alfred Townsend, Campaigns of a Non-Combatant,[2]:
      P'raps you might like a streak o' mutton arterwards!
    • 1911, Jeffery Farnol, The Money Moon[3]:
      Only t'other day he up an' took me because Job Jagway ('e works for Squire Cassilis, you'll understand sir) because Job Jagway sez as our wheat, (meanin' Miss Anthea's wheat, you'll understand sir) was mouldy; well, the 'Old Adam' up an' took me to that extent, sir, that they 'ad to carry Job Jagway home, arterwards.