



Attested since the 16th century. Literally, dog neither cat. Compare Portuguese nem cão nem gato.



can nin gato

  1. (idiomatic) absolutely no one
    Con este tempo non sae can nin gato
    With a weather like this absolutely no one will go out
    Febreiriño corto cos teus días vinte e oito, si duraras máis catro non paraba can nin gato (proverb)
    Short February with days twenty-eight; if you were four larger, no one would endure you
    • 1596, anonymous author, Diálogo de Alberte e Bieito:
      desa sorte
      pareze que todo e morte
      pois non queda can nen gato
      que mirando ben seu trato
      en todo non desconforte
      In this way
      it looks as it everything is death
      since there is no one
      that examining their own trade
      doesn't feel distressed
    • 1836, anonymous author, Diálogo da alameda (3º):
      non hai can nin gato que non o teña por un forte calrista
      there is absolutely no one that doesn't regards him as a strong Carlist supporter

Usage notes


Used in negative clauses together with verbs as quedar (to remain), haber (to be), saír (to go out).

