chocolate channel





chocolate channel (plural chocolate channels)

  1. (usually with definite article or as an attributive modifier) The anus or rectum, especially as a sexual orifice.
    • 2011, Aaron Belkin, Bring Me Men: Military Masculinity and the Benign Façade of American Empire, 1898-2001, Columbia University Press, published 2012, →ISBN, page 96:
      At the Australian military academy mentioned above, cadets referenced anal sex with no fewer than sixty-eight terms, many of which invoke food and eating: Captain Cadbury, chieftain of the chocolate channel, chutney passage, doughnut making, doughnut punching, punching a hole through the chocolate, and tonguing someone’s bum.
    • 2012, Richard Havermale, The Ice Is Nice and Chee-Chee Is Peachy, self-published, →ISBN, page 80:
      Someone has been shitting in the most peculiar places. The first time the Phantom Shitter as he is known deposited a big pile of his shit; chocolate channel chewies, colon cannon balls or whatever you want to call it was in the tool crib.

