


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /d͡ʒi ˈbẽj̃/ [d͡ʒi ˈbẽɪ̯̃]
    • (Southern Brazil) IPA(key): /de ˈbẽj̃/ [de ˈbẽɪ̯̃]



de bem (invariable)

  1. to be friendly, on speaking terms with someone
    Antonym: de mal
  2. (by extension, especially with "life") to be happy or contented with something
    Synonym: quites
    Antonym: de mal
    Fulano está de bem com a vida.
    Jack is happy with life.
  3. a good or upstanding person, someone who doesn't do crime
    Sicrano é um cidadão de bem, não tem por que prendê-lo!
    So-and-so is an upstanding citizen, there is no reason to arrest them!
    Como que ele se considera um brasileiro de bem se não paga os impostos?
    How can he consider himself a good Brazilian if he won't pay taxes?

Usage notes

  • (upstanding person): This word is often accompanied ny 'citizen' or 'man', as in "cidadão de bem" or "homem de bem", and finds some usage in presidential campaigns.[1]