



fan +‎ mix



fanmix (plural fanmixes)

  1. (fandom slang) A compilation of songs assembled by a fan and themed around a film, TV series, etc.
    • 2013, Olivia Soloman & Alvar Santos, "8Tracks: The Modern Mix Tapes", Echoes (University of the Philipines), June 2013, page 73:
      And of course, if you belong to a fandom and would want to make a fanmix about your otp or your favorite characters, you can make a feels-laden mix about Daenerys Targaryen, Enjolras x Grantaire, or Charlie from Perks.
    • 2016, Abigail De Kosnik, Rogue Archives: Digital Cultural Memory and Media Fandom, page 189:
      [] it is far more often the case that fan writers feel inspired to write fresh works by an active fandom's multiplicity of shared performances, ranging from debates over the source text's meanings to screenshots to vids to fanmixes.
    • 2019 February 12, Bex Peterson, “My teenage CD collection”, in The Other Press, Douglas College, page 8:
      While I didn't buy the album when it came out, the songs sort of filtered onto my iPod over the next few years from fandom playlists—“Cosmic Love” was the headliner for many, many Doctor Who fanmixes at the height of that particular fandom).