



Clipping of heterosexual.





hetsex (not comparable)

  1. (informal) Heterosexual.
    • 1997 December 16, ASCEM, quoting Greywolf the Wanderer, “An Interesting Question, re Slash vs. Gay Fiction”, in alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[1] (Usenet):
      Certainly in the Fleet, with its emphasis on tolerance and so on, with its prohibition of any kind of xenophobe, I like to think that same-sex pairings, as long as they didn't violate, say, the officer/enlisted rule, or the rule against harrassment/stalking, would be tolerated as much as het-sex pairings.



hetsex (uncountable)

  1. (informal) Heterosexual sexual intercourse.
    • 1998, schnopia, “Biguy”, in soc.bi (Usenet):
      Specifically, when you tell a gay man he just hasn't met the right woman, and should try hetsex to see what it's like, or when you imply that it's inferior not to like both sexes, you're starting from an assumption that everybody likes hetsex since it's such a wonderful thing, etc., etc.
    • 2004, Vulgar Argot, “{ASSD} Re: "Short skirts invite rape, say principals"”, in alt.sex.stories.d (Usenet):
      The problem with an overly broad definition of rape is that it creates a slippery slope. If you can really convince a young man that any act of hetsex is rape, you blur the line and increase the probability that he will consider the question of consent irrelevant.