



Blend of horror +‎ horoscope.



horrorscope (plural horrorscopes)

  1. (humorous) An adverse horoscope.
    • 1874, Henry Mayhew, Athol Mayhew, Mont Blanc. A Comedy, in Three Acts., London: [] [P]rivate circulation, page 13:
      Oh dear, oh dear! all my appalling presentiments are coming as true as those awful horrorscopes in Zadkiel’s almanac! I knew that girl would break her neck with her horse-riding. I can see her now laid out a corpse at my feet.
    • 1936, The Saturday Evening Post, volume 209, page 27:
      Well, John Hamilton—he’s an awfully cute Kansas boy, just a freshman at Electoral College, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he got his ’Fi Beata Capper next term—anyway, he reads horrorscopes the way Jim Farley reads palms, and he told me months ago that a dark horse would shortly come into my life . . .
    • 1952 March 9, Arthur ‘Bugs’ Baer, “Stars Over Washington”, in Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph, volume 50, number 37, Pittsburgh, Pa., column 1:
      Madame La Finkus is the astrologer who predicted Harry Truman would run as usual. His horrorscope shows a strong fever chart.