

Prepositional phrase


in one's tracks

  1. Suddenly; abruptly, just where one stands.
    • 2010 July 12, “Cyclist warns of road sign obstruction”, in The Guardian:
      Cyclist Anthony Robson found himself stopped in his tracks by this road sign.
    • 2010 July 11, Haroon Siddique, “Barefoot Bandit arrested in the Bahamas”, in The Guardian:
      After two years on the run from the US authorities the suspected thief known as the Barefoot Bandit has finally been stopped in his tracks.
    • 2006 October 28, Mike Averis, “Bristol's heavy brigade knock back potent Brew for victory”, in The Guardian:
      The sinner of the first half cut in from the left wing, losing his marker to take a gentle pass from Ceri Sweeney and leave Bristol's Craig Morgan frozen in his tracks.
    • 2015, Erin Elliott, Mira's Last[1] (young adult fantasy), page 35:
      Galena turned to look at them, her face alight with the glow the Sword of Lumina provided. Her expression was dangerous. It would have stopped most creatures dead in their tracks, but not the earagos. However, that could have been the fact they had poor vision.

Usage notes


See also
