



indremissionsk (neuter indremissionsk, plural and definite singular attributive indremissionske)

  1. of or pertaining to Indre Mission
  2. (by extension, sometimes derogatory) strict in relation to religious, moral and social obligations; puritanical
    • 2017, Hans-Jørgen Nielsen, "Nielsen" og den hvide verden. Essays, kritik, replikpoesi 1963-1968, Lindhardt og Ringhof, →ISBN:
      Man kan synes, at provos kulturkritik er lovlig puritansk og rent ud indremissionsk, når den svinger svøben over forbrugsgoderne og den sløve, 'ukreative' borgermand ...
      One might think that provo's cultural critique is rather puritanical and outright puritanical when it swings the whip over the consumer goods and the sluggish, "uncreative" citizen-man ...
    • 2013, Else Byskov, Døden er en illusion: En logisk forklaring baseret på Martinus' verdensbillede, BoD – Books on Demand, →ISBN, page 28:
      Præsten var meget indremissionsk og truede børnene med, at de kom i helvede, hvis de ikke opførte sig ordentligt.
      The priest was very puritanical and threatened the children that they would go to Hell, if they didn't behave.

See also
