



Borrowed from Dutch kinderspullen (children's things), from kind +‎ -er- +‎ spullen.



kinderspullen pl (plural only)

  1. (US, slang, derogatory) Items (such as toys) associated with a child.
    • 2002 April 23, Nina Paley, “Re: Some tart words about women and marriage{longish}”, in alt.support.childfree[1] (Usenet):
      [] wiping up crayon and markers from the walls, handprints, thick mud tracks, picking up kinderspullen, etc.
    • 2002 August 15, Sixkats [username], “Re: Save the Date - KatsCon 2003”, in alt.support.childfree[2] (Usenet):
      Now, I'm not a morning person, but at least it doesn't take me 2 hours or more to get the k!dz rustled out of bed in the morning and all the kinderspullen packed, so I can *make* a 7:30am flight.
    • 2003 March 7, Kari Levstik, “Re: how come you are obsessed with children?”, in alt.support.childfree[3] (Usenet):
      We also don't have to pack a bunch of useless kinderspullen and stinky juices and cereals to keep the kiddies entertained while at daycare.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:kinderspullen.