
This Lituites fossil is a lituiticone.



From or related to the genus name Lituites.



lituiticone (plural lituiticones)

  1. (malacology) A conch or shell which completes few whorls in the beginning, and thereafter becomes a straight cone.
    • 1964, New Mexico. Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Memoir:
      An endogastric cyrtocone, the basal part sectioned showing the position of the siphuncle P.
      A lituiticone. All side views, except M, have the shell oriented with the venter to the left a a earlier whorls.
    • 1986, Paolo Arduini, Giorgio Teruzzi, Simon & Schuster's Guide to Fossils, Simon & Schuster:
      Description A nautiloid with a shell only partially coiled in a flat spiral (lituiticone) : the coiling appears in the first whorls, which may be only slightly touching, and the shell subsequently develops in a straight line []
    • 2020 March 10, Winston Frank Ponder, David R. Lindberg, Juliet Mary Ponder, Biology and Evolution of the Mollusca, Volume 2, CRC Press, →ISBN:
      [] The shells are slender orthocones or rapidly expanding lituiticones, either weakly cyrtoconic or with the apical part spirally []