



From melon +‎ -ic.

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melonic (not comparable)

  1. (chemistry) Pertaining to a type of complex heterocyclic triazine related to melem.
    • 1962, Charles D. Thibault, Materials research abstracts:
      Melam, melem, cyameluric acid, and melonic acid form a class of solid and infusible compounds known for their extreme heat stability.
    • 1974, Leon R. Pomeroy, New dynamics of preventive medicine - Volume 1, →ISBN, page 265:
      As an example, a patient with methyl melonic acid urea, for whom the enzyme and the liver that converts methyl melonic acid to succinic acid is not operating, may be well treated by raising the serum level of vitamin B12 1,000-fold.
    • 1984, Soviet Neurology & Psychiatry - Volume 17, page 76:
      In recent years, a disorder in the peroxide oxidation of lipids, accompanied by an absence of melonic dialdehyde and a decrease in the content of diene conjugates, has been found.
  2. Melon-like.
    • 1999, Elaine Palmer, Girlboy, page 73:
      He liked long hair, big bums and melonic tits.
    • 2002, Alan C. Weisbecker, In Search of Captain Zero, →ISBN:
      Symptomatic of what Melville would call my hypos: when the girl with melonic breasts doing back-arching yoga on the beach in front of her tent asked how old I was in reply to my inviting her to my birthday party tonight, I shaved a year off ...
    • 2010, Allen L. Scarbrough, The Sparrow Sings of Worlds Unknown, →ISBN, page 31:
      She peels back her bra exposing ripe melonic breasts and demands her hall mirror to take notice.
  3. Squamosal.
    • 1999, A New Amphibious Tetrapod from the Greenlandic Eotriassic, →ISBN, page 19:
      Each is marked externally by a curved groove of the neuromast system (cnm, fig. 1) which has its anterior continuation on the adjacent melonicozygomatic bone. From where it crosses the melonic-melonicozygomatic suture, this groove passes backward and upward to the center of ossification of the melonic bone; it then continues posterolaterally and downward to disappear shortly before the melonic-quadratomaxillary suture.
  4. Alternative form of melanic
    • 1858, The Living Age- Volume 59, page 355:
      Prichard, our best authority on this subject, apportions the greater part of the habitable globe to the melonic or dark-haired races.
    • 2001, South Indian Horticulture - Volumes 49-50, page 282:
      After death, irregular melonic spots developed on the intersegmental regions of the body.
  5. (mathematics) Pertaining to a leading order graph.
    • 2015, Vincent Lahoche, “Constructive Tensorial Group Field Theory II: The   Model”, in arXiv[1]:
      We prove analyticity and Borel summability in a suitable domain of the coupling constant of the simplest super-renormalizable TGFT which contains some ultraviolet divergencies, namely the color-symmetric quartic melonic rank-four model with Abelian   gauge invariance, nicknamed  .