nigger university





From nigger +‎ university, implying that a disproportionate number of blacks will eventually be incarcerated. First use appears around the mid-1990s.



nigger university (countable and uncountable, plural nigger universities)

  1. (derogatory, offensive, ethnic slur) A prison.
    • 2010 August 3, Ex-Obama Voter!, “Boon Sentenced To 3 Years In Nigger University For Cancer Scam”, in alt.california[1] (Usenet):
      CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. A Chattanooga nigger boon was sentenced to 42 months in nigger university after she swindled friends, co-workers and cancer support groups out of $54,000 in her attention-seeking ploy to convince them she was diagnosed with cancer.
    • 2012, D. S. Brown, Why I Voted for President Barack Hussein Obama II[2], Bloomington, Indiana, United States: AuthorHouse, →ISBN, page 44:
      On one blog I was treated to a picture of a caged monkey with the below caption:
      Imagine for a minute the fantastic awesome reaction among other chimps if Obama was pulled from his palace and sent to Nigger University (Prison) for 25 years. Not only would they chimp out, but it'd be a perfect excuse to add them to the good nigger (dead nigger) list. It's a win-win!
    • 2017 March 16, Rick Mathers, “Nigger AIDSape gets 30 years for giving females HIV”, in alt.politics[3] (Usenet):
      Nigger AIDSape Isiah Benford was sentenced to 30 years in Nigger University (coonveniently Terre Haute, IN has an N.U.!) for muhdikking 11 mudsharks or niggersows and infecting 3 of them with HIV - and then 'joking' around, taunting them right after the fact that it is HIV+.
    • 2019, Gary A. James, Darkness of Blue: A Novel[4], Bloomington, Indiana, United States: LifeRich Publishing, →ISBN:
      Kidd said, "Like I said, cuz... either we snuff, or we get snuffed. Every hood got to handle their scandal, or else the po will roll up on them. Then more hood's gonna end up in the slammer."
      "That's nigger university..." jibed Fabe.
    • 2019 March 20, Robert Wolfe, “Nigger’s courtroom chimpout = 28 yrs. in Nigger University from judge”, in alt.checkmate[5] (Usenet):
      In Cleveland horsenostril nigger Manson Bryant, a career catch-‘n-release criminigger, was facing up to 28 years for a home apevasion and a laundry list of charges. Judge Eugene Lucci sentenced nigger Bryant to 22 years in Nigger University since it apparently showed “remorse,” something we know shitbeast niggers are incapable of. So nigger Bryant went on a bonkers courtroom chimpout filled with profanity, screaming “RAYCISS” so Judge Lucci added the extra 6 years in Nigger University for a 28 year maximum sentence.
    • 2021 March 11, chrisv, “Give a white man a pile of bricks”, in talk.politics.guns[6] (Usenet):
      All that matters now is that he will be getting the education he deserves in Nigger University.
  2. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see nigger,‎ university.
    • 1885, William Alexander Hammond, Doctor Grattan - A Novel, page 221:
      If the estate had been devoted to founding an absurd nigger university, I would have been with you, for that would, under the circumstances, have been an irrational disposition of the property.
    • 1946, South African Institute of Race Relations (contributor), Race Relations - Official Journal of the South African Institute of Race Relations · Volumes 13-16, page 61:
      Like them, whether we intend it or not, such a segregated university would be dubbed a "Nigger University" and the degrees obtained will be regarded as inferior to those given in European institutions.
    • 2008, Gregory S. Parks, Shayne E. Jones, “Nigger: A Critical Race Realist Analysis of the N-Word within Hate Crimes Law”, in Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology[7], volume 98, number 4:
      Supreme Court Justice James Clark McReynolds referred to Howard University, a historically Black institution, as a "nigger university."
    • 2014, William Preston Vaughn, Schools for All - The Blacks and Public Education in the South, 1865–1877, page 117:
      The New York Times correctly interpreted the situation by pointing out that the predominantly Conservative legislature intended from the first to do away with the "nigger University."