See also: noone, Noone, no-one, and no one






  1. Dated form of no one.
    • 1848, Jonathan Morgan, transl., The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. [], stereotype edition, Portland, Or.: S. H. Colesworthy;  [], II Corinthians 7:2, page 222, column 2:
      Receive us. We have wronged noöne, we have corrupted noöne, we have taken advantage of noöne.
    • 1991, Craig Smoryński, “Weak Formal Theories of Arithmetic”, in Logical Number Theory I: An Introduction (Universitext), Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, →DOI, →ISBN, page 269:
      However, the transcendence of   was so difficult a problem that noöne in the audience would live to see its solution. Within a few years, [Carl Ludwig] Siegel had proven this transcendence!