



no-sell (third-person singular simple present no-sells, present participle no-selling, simple past and past participle no-sold)

  1. (transitive, combat sports) To act as if an attack from an opponent had no effect.
  2. (transitive) To shrug off; to withstand without significant reaction or injury.
    • 2022 September 11, Drachinifel, 56:53 from the start, in The Drydock - Episode 213 (Part 1)[1], archived from the original on 12 September 2022:
      So the bulges would give them a huge amount more buoyancy, which would allow them to navigate narrower channels; the guns would need to be modified so that they could fire at a higher angle, which'd give them better shore-bombardment capability; but, as I say, the decks - and we're not talking internal work; we're literally talking the external deck, just slapping four inches of steel on top of it all, which would, to a certain extent, counteract the extra buoyancy given by the bulges - but the idea was that this four-inch deck on the exterior could no-sell basically any general-purpose bomb that could be dropped on it []

