See also: nönd





no end (not comparable)

  1. (informal) Exceedingly; endlessly.
    • 1888, Thomas Hughes, Tom Brown's School-days, page 9:
      Oh! so that's why Mary called you back, and you didn't come to supper. You lost something—that beef and pickles was no end good.
    • 1899 September – 1900 July, Joseph Conrad, chapter XXIII, in Lord Jim: A Tale, Edinburgh, London: William Blackwood and Sons, published 1900, →OCLC, page 252:
      I spoke like that because I—even I, who had been no end kind to him—even I remembered—remembered—against him—what—what had happened.
    • 1910, E[dward] M[organ] Forster, Howards End:
      There's nothing like a debate to teach one quickness. I often wish I had gone in for them when I was a youngster. It would have helped me no end.



no end

  1. A great amount.
    • 1898 January-June, “MEAT AND DRINK IN GOTHAM”, in GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MONTHLY JOURNAL, volume XXVI, translation of New York Herald, page 177:
      He has no end of supplies, no end of cooks and waiters, no end of table furniture and decorations, no end of handsome dining rooms, yet he frequently lives on the crumbs that fall from the table.
    • 2023 November 15, Christian Wolmar, “Ministers should carry the can for ticket office fiasco”, in RAIL, number 996, page 46:
      In over a quarter of a century of writing this column, there has been no end of scandals, mishaps, errors and general cock-ups resulting from ministerial incompetence.

Derived terms


Further reading


